Open Data Albania has updated data regarding Foreign Direct Investment FDI by sectors of the economy 2010-2013. Foreign direct investments are an important source of capital flows and the development of an economy.

Most of FDI in Albania in 2013 was constituted from the Transport, storage and communication sector (24%), followed by Financial and Monetary Intermediation (24%), extractive industry (22%) etc.
Source: Bank of Albania

Comments and analysis: ODA

Over the years the situation in Albania has changed. In the period 2007-2011 the major share of FDI was found in the sector of Financial and Monetary Intermediation, in 2012 the extractive industry is the leading sector and in 2013 the one of transports, storage and communications.

The situation is interesting for the sectors of “Manufacturing Industry” and the “Production and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water” where foreign direct investment in 2013 unlike in the previous years, record negative values, which means withdrawal of foreign investors from these sectors.

Foreign Direct Investment by Economic Activity 2007-2013

Source: Bank of Albania

Comments and analysis: ODA

Foreign Direct Investment by Economic Activity 2007-2013
Amount in million Euros

Source: Bank of Albania
Comments and analysis: ODA

Foreign direct investment, are an important indicator of the confidence of foreign investors in a country. They decrease in terms of economic and political crises and increase in terms of improvement of the economic and political environment. In the time frame 2007 – 2013 Foreign Direct Investment in Albania have increased in the first five years and decreased in the past two years.

Source: Bank of Albania
Comments and analysis: ODA