From the historical extracts of these registered companies, it results that in the Construction sector there are 57 joint-stock companies operating, with a value of capital of 47.54 million euros. This sector constitutes only 1.6% of the total capital of all joint-stock companies registered at the NRC system in Albania.
The Construction sector itself is divided into the subsector of Construction of Real Estate – Residential Housing, and the subsector of Public constructions; works of art, highways etc. Companies which are focused on public constructions have declared in their field of activities that they offer residential building, too. Therefore, in the first subsector, there were taken into consideration only those joint-stock companies which in their field of activity have not declared to perform public constructions.
Number and Capital of Joint-Stock Companies in the Construction Sector – June 2014
Data Source: National Registration Center
Comments and Analysis: ODA
As far as the number of joint-stock companies operating in the construction sector is concerned, it is dominated by the subsector of public constructions, works of art, bridges and highways with 45 companies or about 78.9%, while the other subsector of construction of Real Estate – Residential Housing, follows with 12 companies or 21.1%.
Data Source: National Registration Center
Comments and Analysis: ODA
The same situation is noticed in this sector even when we take into consideration the capital distribution, where the subsector of public constructions, works of art, bridges and highways accounts for 76.9%, while the subsector of construction of Real Estate – Residential Housing is at the level of 23.1%.
Data Source: National Registration Center
Comments and Analysis: ODA
In terms of the number of joint-stock companies operating and the level of capital they manage, the construction sector is almost insignificant compared to the Services and Industry sectors, though it stands nearby the level of Agriculture sector.
Contributed by: Artan Gjergji