Open Data Albania is exploring on indicators of export crude oil in the years 2005-2013. Starting from 2005 till 2013, the quantity and value of crude oil exports have been growing continuously. This fact comes as a result of increased foreign investment and exploration of oil deposits in the country. The company’s largest exporter of oil in place is Bankers Petroleum Albania, which operates in Patos-Marinez that is the main oil area in Albania. The rent tax applied on crude oil is at 10%.

In 2013, 1,251,513 tons of crude oil were exported with an annual average sale price of 55,490 ALL/ton. The main countries where the crude oil was exported this year were Germany, Italy, Malta, Spain, UK and France. The last two were added to the destinations of our exports for the first time in 2013. The most important countries were Italy with 33% of the total, in Spain with 32% and Malta 23%. Great Britain was the country that bought crude oil from our county with the most expensive price, while Italy was the county that bought it with the cheapest price.

Source: International Trade Centre    
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania

Source: International Trade Centre    
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania

There were sixteen destination countries in the exports of crude oil in the years 2005-2013. Italy is one of the countries where every year significant quantities of crude oil were exported from Albania. In the years 2005-2006, Italy is marked as the only destination of Albanian oil exports. During the years 2005-2013 60% of the total amount of crude oil exports has been exported to Italy. In countries such as Spain and Malta exports up in 2008 were zero.

But starting from 2009 in Spain and 2010 in Malta, exports to these countries have increased. Also, the past three Albania starts to export crude oil to Germany, which is among the top importers of oil in the world. The quantities exported to other countries are small and in periods of 1-2 years.

Crude oil exports by destination 2001-2013 (000 ALL)

Source: International Trade Centre    
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania

Crude oil exports by destination 2001-2013 (Ton)

Source: International Trade Centre    
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania

The annual average price of crude oil in export has been unstable over the years 2005-2011, while the last two years the price appears more stable. The highest annual average export price were recorded in 2013, when a ton of crude oil was sold for 55,490 ALL, while the lowest price was recorded in 2006, when a ton of crude oil was sold for only 22,730 ALL.

In general, the average annual price of crude oil in export has had no differences between countries. But what can be noticed is the fact that in countries such as Ireland, Poland, Turkey where we have exported small quantities of crude oil, in one or two years, the exports price in these countries is almost double the annual average price in the export of that year.

Source: International Trade Centre    
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania

Among the countries of the region, only Serbia exported crude oil in 2013. In this year, a ton of crude oil was exported from Serbia at an average price of 94,180 ALL, price which is almost the double of the average export price for 2013 in our country.

The average price of crude oil export by destination 2001-2013

Source: International Trade Centre    
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania

Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Contributed by: Ina Baja