Open Data Albania has conducted a research regarding the number and capital of the active Joint-stock companies which are established since the beginning or changed their status into joint-stock companies from 1993 to 2014. The indicators are based upon data obtained from the National Center of Registration (NCR) and the research is carried out based on the official historical extracts of June 2014. During the last two decades, results that 751 companies or 88.6% of the active joint-stock companies, have been established since the beginning of their activity as joint-stock companies.

The other part of 97 joint-stock companies or 11.4% of them which are actually active were established either as limited liability companies, or limited partnerships, or cooperative companies. After various years of activity, they reorganized themselves by changing their legal status into joint-stock companies.

The trend of joint-stock companies establishments has similarly followed the cyclic pace of economic development in the country. Thus, during the years when there is a considerable number of new joint-stock companies established, Albania faced economic expansion (years 1995, 1999, 2011, 2012). On the contrary there were few new joint-stock companies establishments during the period of time 1997-1998 because of the pyramid scheme financial crisis in the country.

Source: National Center of Registration    
Comments and Analysis: ODA   

Changing the status of the companies into joint-stock companies as an advanced form of re-organizing the capital and the commercial activity, goes hand in hand with the consolidation of the business and maturation of the capital needs for them. The number of companies which changed their legal status into joint-stock companies since 1999 is not high with a yearly average of 4 ? 5 companies.

An exception is only the year 2012, where it can be noticed a considerable increase in the number with 34 companies changing their legal status into joint-stock companies. This phenomenon has probably happened because of the so called ?Fiscal Amnesty of Assets?, implemented by the Albanian government of that time, according to which a re-valuation of the assets prices would be taxed 1% instead of 10%.

Trend of the Establishment of Joint-Stock Companies 1993 – 2014

Source: National Center of Registration
Comments and Analysis: OD

Source: National Center of Registration
Comments and Analysis: OD

The frequency of changing the legal status into joint-stock companies is an indicator which gives information on how many years after the establishment these commercial subjects changed their status into joint-stock companies. As can be noticed, the most preferred time period is 5 years after the establishment. This period of time fits to the maturation of companies and their products in the markets. However, a considerable part of the companies have waited for longer periods of times in order to take the decision of changing their legal status into joint-stock companies.

Time period after the establishment for changing legal status into Joint-Stock Companies (till 2014)

Source: National Center of Registration
Comments and Analysis: OD

Source: National Center of Registration
Comments and Analysis: OD

Thus, based on the NCR data, it results that 42% of the commercial companies needed 4-6 years to take the decision of changing their legal status into joint-stock companies, while 23% of them needed a period of time of 7-10 years after the establishment. Only 18% of the companies have passed a period of time longer than 10 years to reach the necessary level of maturity to change their status into joint-stock company.

Concentration of companies changing into Joint-Stock Companies after the Establishment (till 2014)

Source: National Center of Registration
Comments and Analysis: ODA

Source: National Center of Registration
Comments and Analysis: ODA

Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Contributed by: Artan Gjergji