There are 7,819 individual shareholders in JSCs operating in the country. These individuals own a value of shares of 545,429,673 Euro. This value is equal to 18.9% of the total value of the share capital of JSC’s in the country.
The Allocation of share capital ownership in JSCs with Individual Shareholders, June 2014
Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: ODA
The exchange rate on 06.30.2014: 1 EUR = 140.26 (Source: Bank of Albania)
Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: ODA
Table 1/1 Individual shareholders are more active in the services sector. So they are present as owners in the capital of 473 JSCs. There are 3733 Individual Shareholders in JSCs operating in the Services Sector; 3010 shareholders in the Industry Sector; 633 shareholders in the construction sector and 443 shareholders in the agriculture sector.
Individual Shareholders by Sector where JSCs operate, June 2014
Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: ODA
Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: ODA
Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: ODA
The gender trend of individual shareholders of JSCs operating in the country is completely asymmetric in favor of male shareholders. Thus, there are just 158 joint stock companies that have at least one female shareholder in a total of 847 JSC-s operating in the country. In these 158 JSCs there are 2567 female shareholders versus 5252 male shareholders dominators in 457 JSCs. The ratio of female shareholders to the total number of individual shareholders is 30.3%.
Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: ODA
But this gender indicator is even more inferior if we calculate the weight of the capital owned by female shareholders versus the capital owned by male shareholders. Female shareholders own only 8% of the capital owned by individual shareholders, while male shareholders own 92% of this total.
Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: ODA
Thus, the share capital owned by females reaches to the level of 42,476,622 euro representing approximately 7% of the capital of JSCs that have individual shareholders, or 1.5% of total capital of JSCs operating in the country.
Individuals Shareholders by Gender, June 2014
Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: ODA
Contributed by: Artan Gjergji