Open Data Albania has conducted a research related to public institutions, non-profit organizations (NPOs) and international financial institutions (IFIs) which are shareholders of Albanian joint stock companies operating in the country. The survey estimates the number of companies and the value of the share capital. Indicators were obtained from data of historical extracts of JSCs according to the documentation in the National Registration Center (NRC) June 2014. Public institutions taken into consideration in this research are executive institutions (ministries); local government institution (municipalities and communes), or publicly owned commercial companies that are also owners (shareholders) of joint stock companies operating in the country.

According to the research results, there are 371 cases where public institutions are shareholders in the capital structure of the JSCs operating in the country. The value of share capital that public institutions own is 724.3 million euro. As number of shareholders in 56% of cases, are communes that dominate, followed by the municipalities with 24% and ministries with 18%. The remaining part belongs to other institutions which are mainly commercial companies with public capital, which are shareholders in JSCs that operate in the country.

Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: Open Data Albania

List of public institutions that have shares in JSC, June 2014

Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: Open Data Albania

The value of capital in the form of shares owned from the ministries is 636.6 million euro. Local Government institutions have a share capital of 82.6 million euro. The rest, with a value of 5 million euro, owned from public entities (not private) belongs to entities or other public companies.

Ministries own shares from the share capital of JSCs that operate mostly in important sectors such as industry, transport, telecommunications, financial services, etc. Local government, through the communes and municipalities, own shares in most cases in the water supply ? sanitation companies, social and sport activity entities and in local agro food markets.

Distribution of public capital of JSCs according to the public entity type, June 2014

Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: Open Data Albania

There are five ministries that are shareholders in Albanian joint stock companies. The number of Joint Stock Companies that have shares owned from ministries is 68 and the capital has a value of 636.6 million. Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Enterprise dominates in number and value of capital. This ministry is shareholder in 50 JSCs and has a capital of 385.5 million euro.

The Ministry of Energy and Industry, which is a shareholder in 8 JSCs has a capital of 231.1 million euro. The Ministry of Finance owns a share capital of 2.7 million euro. A modest number and value of share capital of joint stock companies is owned from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Education and Sports.

Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: Open Data Albania

Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: Open Data Albania

Number of JSCs that have ministries as shareholders and the distribution of the capital, June 2014.

Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: Open Data Albania

According to the activity of JSCs in public ownership: 30.7% of them are water supply and sanitation subjects; 18.3% are sports clubs; 14.4% are JSCs operating in industry; financial services are at 2% of cases and telecommunications with 1.3% of total public JSCs.

Regarding the distribution of capital of public JSCs, according to certain fields, the situation is slightly different. Thus, about 31.8% of the total public share capital belong to the the energy and extractive industries (energy, oil, minerals), followed by 20.8% of the total of JSCs operating in industry and 15.9% in transport companies (air-sea-road-rail). Areas where public capital is less present are sport clubs with 1.1% of the total and food markets and storage with about 0.6% of total public capital.

Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: Open Data Albania

Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: Open Data Albania

Number of public JSCs and distribution of capital by the areas where they operate, June 2014

Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: Open Data Albania

There is a specific number of non-profit organizations (NPOs) and international financial institutions (IFIs) that are shareholders in JSCs operating in the country. Thus, there are 6 nonprofit organizations shareholders in six JSCs, with a capital worth around 12 million euros.

Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: Open Data Albania

Non-profit organizations JSCs in Albania, June 2014

The exchange rate as of 06.30.2014: 1 EUR = 140.26 (Source: Bank of Albania)
Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: Open Data Albania

There are three IFIs which are present in the capital of six JSCs with a total value of 37.2 million euro. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is a shareholder in four JSCs owning about 50% of the total capital owned from IFIs.

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is a shareholder in a JSC owning about 41% of total capital owned by IFIs followed by The Albanian-American Enterprise Fund (AAEF), which is a shareholder in two JSCs, accounting for about 9% of the capital.

International Financial Institutions as shareholders of JSCs in Albania, June 2014

Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: Open Data Albania

Data Source: National Registration Center
Comment and Analysis: Open Data Albania

Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Contributed by: Artan Gjergji