Open Data Albania is doing research on the structure of contributors to the social security scheme for the years 2008-2014. We performed our analysis based on 2014 statistical data published by Social Security Institute. Entities that make declarations concerning the social security scheme are public entities; business companies; the self-employed; self-employed in agriculture and voluntarily insured entities. State contributors and contributors receiving short-term benefits, including separate categories are part of contributors as well.

Generally, the structure of contributors is dominated by contributors from public entities and business companies. In 2008, the number of contributors from the public sector and their weight against the total was greater compared with contributors from business companies. Starting from 2009 until 2014, the number of contributors from business companies and their weight to the total was greater compared to public sector’s contributors. If we refer to the reviewed years, contributors in both these sectors comprise together approximately 60% of the contributors total.

During 2014, the number of the self-employed in agriculture sector was increased and the weight of the contributors from this sector was about 8% higher than a year ago.

Source: Social Security Institute       
Statistics 2014:       
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania 

Contributors from the state comprise a significant percentage of the contributor’s total. During 2008-2014, this weight has varied from about 5% to 6.6% of the contributor’s total. Unemployed individuals who receive unemployment payments; servicemen and policemen who went unemployed as the result of the reform and retired women assessed for each reporting year comprise the most part of these contributors. 

Source: Social Security Institute       
Statistics 2014:       
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania 

The last category included in the social insurance scheme are contributors that receive short-term benefits.

Source: Social Security Institute       
Statistics 2014:       
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania 

 In 2014, the annual average number of contributors was 654,563 out of whom 80% were urban contributors and 20% rural contributors. In the structure of contributing entities for 2014, contributors from the business companies comprising about 35% of the total have the greatest weight, followed by the public entities with around 24% of total and self-employed in agriculture contributors with about 20% of the total. The rest are other mentioned categories, where the voluntary contributors have the smallest weight, by about 1.3%. It is worth underlining that the weight of each group against the total has been decreased in 2014, with the exception of the weight of self-employed in agriculture contributors which has been increased.

Keywords: number of contributors, the social insurance scheme, 2008, 2014, self-employed in agriculture, urban, rural, public sector, business companies, self-employed, volunteers, contributors from the state, weight, contributors total, sector, soldiers, unemployed who receive unemployment payment,  servicemen in reform, policemen in reform, underground workers, maternity leave, temporary disability.

Source: Social Security Institute       
Statistics 2014:       
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Contributed by: Ina Baja