Kavaja Municipality headed by the re-elected major, Mr. Elvis Roshi, was audited twice during the period under consideration, namely in 2011 and 2013. During this period, law infringements with financial effects with the total rate of around ALL 34.4 million where found out. But in 2013, rates of the above mentioned damages were at the highest.
Source: Supreme State Control
Processing and comments: ODA
In 2011, the identified damage was ALL 9.71 million, where damages in the city planning ran at 65%, or ALL 6.38 million and in procurement sector ALL 3.32 million. Compared to 2009, the total damage was about two times higher.
Source: Supreme State Control
Processing and comments: ODA
In 2013, the discovered damage reached the highest levels that is ALL 24.5 million or 2.5 times more than in 2011. During this auditing, the highest damages were found out in procurement sector amounting to ALL 20.92 million. Consequently, SST filed 6 denounces for violation of the inequality of participants in tenders due to an unfairly disqualification of those economic operators that provided lower bids.
Source: Supreme State Control
Processing and comments: ODA
Economic damage in Kavaja Municipality by sectors in 2009 – 2013
Source: Supreme State Control
Processing and comments: ODA
The greatest number of damages found in the procurement procedures belonged to auditing of the accounting year 2012, a period during which the damage caused to municipality during the tendering processes for some public investments, mainly road contruction, amounted to ALL around 15 million.