Open Data Albania is investigating about the number and categories of complaints for discrimination submitted to the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, CPD. Article 18 of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania provides for that no one may be unjustly discriminated against for reasons such as gender, race, religion, ethnicity, language, political, religious, or philosophical beliefs, economic condition, education, social status, or ancestry. In 2014, 172 complaints lodged with the CPD were considered, from which 86 complaints were filed from men, 80 from women and 6 from different Organizations.

Comments and analysis: ODA

Comments and analysis: ODA

Discrimination because of race gets the greatest weight among complaints for the alleged discrimination, where 164 cases were reviewed by the CPD. Other causes for which individuals are claiming that they feel discriminated and the number of cases that are considered are as follows: 43 cases are discriminations because of political belief, 20 cases are discriminations due to the economic situation, 19 cases due to disability and 17 cases because of health condition etc.

Besides the cases reviewed in 2014, 366 cases submitted as complaints for discrimination are under consideration, but they are not solved yet. 

Comments and analysis: ODA

Number examined complaints submitted  by type of complainer to CPD  during 2012-2014

Comments and analysis: ODA

Over the course of these three years 2012-2014, discrimination because of race is the most frequent cause of such complaints.

Comments and analysis: ODA

A part of the cases reviewed by the CPD are solved in different ways. In 2014, it was found that from 209 cases submitted for solution, 115 cases did not constitute discrimination, 43 cases of complaints were not accepted, 32 cases were considered as discrimination, 12 complaints were withdrawn, 5 cases were solved with intermediation, 3 complaints were suspended, in 3 cases entities that didn?t make available the necessary information to CPD were charged with a penalty and in one case recommendations to improve the situation were provided.

Comments and analysis: ODA

Settlement of considered complaints 2012-2014

Comments and analysis: ODA