Open Data Albania is examining the value and performance over the years of contingent liabilities deriving from PPP Concessions. These contingencies are classified as ‘Off’ the Government Balance Sheet. This indicator will also help us determine its ratio or weight against the Gross Domestic Product GDP. In 2020, a comparative analysis outlined on the Article about Contingent Liabilities for PPP, published by Open Data Albania,…
Planed PPP concessionary costs on taxpayers, 2018-2023
Open Data Albania is looking into the state budget costs for Private Public Partnership concessions (PPP) covered by public funds for the period 2018-2023. The article identifies the planned payments year after year; and provides an overview of progress made through the years by concessionary companies. This investigation is based on the Budget Report accompanying the Annual Budget Law. The six-year period (2018-2023) under review…