Open Data is examining the information regarding to the government’s fresh plans for Concessions and Public Private Partnerships (PPP( for the year 2024. The data was obtained from the Ministry of Finance and Economy, extracted from the Draft Law for the Year 2024 Budget. There are 6 new Concession/PPP projects, worth about ALL 109.5 billion or Euro 1.04 billion that have been planned to be…
Concessionary Companies, funds collected from the State Treasury, January 1st to December 31, 2022
Open Data Albania is ranking the concession businesses, otherwise known as Private and Public Partnerships, based on the size of the funds benefited from the State Treasury throughout 2022. During this year, ALL 9.73 billion were distributed to concession companies directly from the budget. There are a few concessions, which are paid through Public Funds that, are not listed here, such as three concessions in…
Web-ATRAKO nonfunctonal: Open Corporates Albania offers a comprehensive online Registry for PPP/Concession contracts
The cyber attack, that started in July 2022 on the Albanian official state database, has also taken offline the database containing information and documents concerning PPP/Concessions from ATRAKO, the Agency for the Handling of Concessions. Their publication, as well as guaranteeing public access are mandatory. Abanian Institute of Sccience, through its web-portal Open Corporates Albania, has in place a Registry with all the Albanian PPP…
PPP companies with budgetary support by their controlling package in the Albanian or Foreign Trade Register
Open Data Albania is investigating PPP concessions with public financing from the state budget for 2021, identifying those that have stock control packages abroad. This investigation makes use of the data about the companies responsible for implementing PPP concessionary agreements and contracts, information published on the Open Corporate Albania portal, under the Concessionary Companies section. For each company, the portal shall identify which business register…