Open Data Albania is updating the data regarding the operation of Television Media in the country. The research highlights the number of licenses by category held by television media and the commercial entities who own these screens. The data used in the analyses was obtained from the Audiovisual Media Authority AMA and the National Recording Center NKR. In Albania, televisions are categorized based on the…
Business Companies registered in 2019 by regions
Open Corporates Albania is a database created and maintained by AIS. This database has published data about Business Companies registered from 1 January to 31 December 2019. These data and the relevant documents are easily accessed through passports disclosing their identity, scope of activity, managerial structure, owners over the years, capital values, performance and legal issues characterizing their business. Such passports link also the data…
Business companies registered in 2019 by their status, suspended
Five per cent of the companies registered in 2019 have been suspended within the year. This is an indicator of the status of the business companies established during the twelve months of 2019. Open Corporates Albania is a database created and maintained by AIS. This database has published data about Business Companies registered from 1 January to 31 December 2019. These data and the relevant…