Open Data Albania is examining the possibility of the Municipality of Tirana to invest in infrastructure, by way of contracts and tenders with Object Direct Projects and Public Works. It is the first time that the indicator Potential in Public Investments of the Municipality of Tirana is being researched. The analysis is considering as Potential Investments all the revenues and funds that the Municipality has…
Structure of Expenditures in the State Budget during 2005-2022 period, Current and Capital (non-current, emergency situations)
Open Data Albania is analyzing the Structure of State Budget Expenditures for the 2005-2022 period. The total expenditures of the State Budget are non-refundable payments, made by the government for the fulfillment of its functions (healthcare, defense, education, maintaining order, etc.). The Structure of Expenditures consists of several categories, such as Capital Expenditures, which are investments and public works with long-term effects and sustainability, Current…
Revenue in the State Budget, January – April 2023, Level of Implementation
The State Budget collected 206.5 billion Albanian lekëë(ALL) in the first quarter of 2023, which is an increase of 9.7% compared to the same period of the previous year. The January-April 2023 quarter marked tax revenues amounting to 136 billion ALL, which is 7.4% higher than the same period a year ago, and 0.8% higher compared to the quarterly plan. Non-tax revenues experienced a decline…
The Reconstruction Fund: Budgeting and Consolidation Plan, 2020 – 2023, revisions in the State Budget
The Albanian Government’s Reconstruction Program, introduced in Brussels at the donors’ conference, held in February 2020, presented damages and the need for intervention in the amount of Euros 1.076 billion or (about ALL 131 billion at the February 2020 exchange rate). This figure was calculated by the Albanian Government as damages and the need for intervention after the Consequences of the Earthquake of November 26,…
Ranking of 30 Major Beneficiaries based on the value of transactions received from the State Treasury, 2019-2022
The companies benefitting large sums of money from the State Treasury throughout the twelve months of 2022 are Shoqëri e Thjeshtë Intekar – ASL, Kastrati, G.P.G. Company, Gjoka 87 and Salillari. Source: Open Spending Albania Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania Open Data Albania, using well-structured data present in the Open Spending Albania platform, has been identifying and ranking the 30 (thirty) economic operators with…
Concessionary Companies, funds collected from the State Treasury, January 1st to December 31, 2022
Open Data Albania is ranking the concession businesses, otherwise known as Private and Public Partnerships, based on the size of the funds benefited from the State Treasury throughout 2022. During this year, ALL 9.73 billion were distributed to concession companies directly from the budget. There are a few concessions, which are paid through Public Funds that, are not listed here, such as three concessions in…
The 2023 Budget based on Governmental Functions and Programs, Initial Plan, revisions to the annual plan
This article aims to draw attention to the planning of budget expenditures based on different functions for the year 2023 and their categorization by Government program. The data were extracted from the Plans approved by the Law on the 2023 Budget (Law No. 84/2022). For 2023, the planned expenditures amount to 698 billion Lek. The largest portion of expenditures is composed by the function of…
State Budget Annual Funds allocated to Political Parties in 2022
Open Data Albania is examining the public funds that political parties have benefited from the 2022 State Budget, in the form of Annual Financial Assistance. The Electoral Code, the Law on Political Parties and several decisions of the Reformation Commission recognize the right of Political Parties, participating in parliamentary elections, to collect funds from the State Budget every year. The funds’ distribution is based on…
Revision in the 2022’s State Budget: expenditure increase or reduction, based on the programs
The government approved on July 29, 2022, the Normative Act no. 12, for the revision of the 2022 Budget Plan. The latter is the second Normative Act introducing amendments in the Budget. Earlier, through Normative Act no.3, the Budget was amended in March 2022. Budgetary expenses in the initial Plan amounted in 637.69 billion ALL, but in March the government planned an increase with 10…
Socialist Movement for Integration, Electoral Funds and Expenditure, 2021
Open Data Albania is examining the funding and spending, during the 2021 Election Campaign, for the electoral subject Socialist Movement for Integration, SMI. In the 2021 Election Campaign, the SMI has declared funds in the amount of 35 955 359 Lek. The latter comprises only funds collected by the party itself. Whith the funds created by party candidates, the overall proceeds administered by the the…
Concentration of the Hydrocarbon market in Albania
The analytical team at Open Data Albania is examining the Albanian market of “Fuel and Oil”, to assess whether there is the premise for concentration of one/few operators with a dominant position in the market. To achieve this, we used budgetary market purchases (purchases paid from the State Budget) and state fuel subsidies for farmers as a sample, given that information about the companies open…
Public Expenditure by Function Per Capita, Comparative Analyses Albania versus EU countries
Open Data Albania is researching the distribution of public money based on Functions in the State Budget by comparing per capita expenditures in EU countries and the region. This will display the focus of the Governments to the various functions and sectors, as well as government standards in spending on these functions. Government or Budget Functions aim to guarantee the provision of services such as:…
Planed PPP concessionary costs on taxpayers, 2018-2023
Open Data Albania is looking into the state budget costs for Private Public Partnership concessions (PPP) covered by public funds for the period 2018-2023. The article identifies the planned payments year after year; and provides an overview of progress made through the years by concessionary companies. This investigation is based on the Budget Report accompanying the Annual Budget Law. The six-year period (2018-2023) under review…