Open Data is looking into the number of Albanian asylum seekers in the United Kingdom, at the same time processing the data by gender and age group. The figures were obtained from the United Kingdom’s Office for Official Statistics. Asylum seeker is any third-country national or stateless person, who has submitted an application for international protection or has been included in such an application as…
Gender Groups and respective Careers in Academic Profiles, Law and Managerial Position
In the four years, 2018 – 2021, 1120 researchers were accredited with a post-graduate degree of Doctor of Science in Albanian Universities. Of these, 713 weree women, or 64% of the total, as opposed to the 36% that were men, or 407 researchers. Table: Number of “Doctorate or equivalent” graduates by gender Source: INSTAT Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania Source: INSTAT Comments and Analyses:…
Education in Albania by Gender and Age Groups 2018 – 2021
Girls and Women in Albania have a lower level of education than Boys or Men. The general trend of Education is reversed in favor of Women when it comes to university studies. In 2020, we noticed that Women over the age of 25 are 54% educated only at the primary level or the first eight to nine years of education. A statistic that reflects the…
Ownership of Business Companies registered during 2019 by Gender Representation
Open Corporates Albania is a database created and maintained by AIS. This database has published data about Business Companies registered from 1 January to 31 December 2019. These data and the relevant documents are easily accessed through passports disclosing their identity, scope of activity, managerial structure, owners over the years, capital values, performance and legal issues characterizing their business. Such passports link also the data…
Business Companies registered in 2019 by regions
Open Corporates Albania is a database created and maintained by AIS. This database has published data about Business Companies registered from 1 January to 31 December 2019. These data and the relevant documents are easily accessed through passports disclosing their identity, scope of activity, managerial structure, owners over the years, capital values, performance and legal issues characterizing their business. Such passports link also the data…
Business companies registered in 2019 by their status, suspended
Five per cent of the companies registered in 2019 have been suspended within the year. This is an indicator of the status of the business companies established during the twelve months of 2019. Open Corporates Albania is a database created and maintained by AIS. This database has published data about Business Companies registered from 1 January to 31 December 2019. These data and the relevant…