Anti-corruption projects face challenges; in risk of closure due to absence of funds and donors. Help us to work as a Watchdog NGO. Support Open Spending Albania database, disclosing Treasury Transactions

Dear Friends and Partners, The AIS organization, known as OpenDataAlbania, is reaching out to you with a pressing concern. We are facing the imminent closure of OpenSpendingAlbania due to lack of funds and donor support. Our database is vital for transparency, accountability, activism, and anti-corruption efforts. Currently, tracking data through our databases shed light and denounce corruption, clientelism, and cases of conflict of interest every…

The Origin of Capital and Ownership for companies registered in our country 2023

Open Corporates Albania is a database created and maintained by the AIS organization. In the present article we are disclosing information regarding Business Companies, based on their Origin of Capital, i.e. meaning the Business owners’ country of origin. This information helps to understand who holds economic and commercial interests in Albania and serves as an indicator on how easy it is to do business in the…

Magistrates submitted to the Vetting, February 2018 – November 2023, Level of Confirmation, Resignations and Statistics by Gender Groups

From February 8, 2018 to October 31, 2023, 702 subjects, or 87.2% of the 805 subjects present in the ex-offico list, were called to submit to the vetting process. Source: Akses drejtesi Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania It emerges that, of the 702 individuals called and vetted, 429 are men and 273 women or 61.11% men and 38.9% women. As of November 2023, the…

The Council of Ministers assumes the authority of the Legislative. Normative Act No. 1 Amendments to the 2024 Budget Law violates Article 7 of the Constitution, the Principle of Separation of Powers

Dear Colleagues and Partners, The organization AIS, also known as Open Data Albania, expresses concern regarding the Council of Ministers’ revisions of the 2024 State Budget through a Normative Act with the Force of Law. This action is considered a violation of the principle of separation and balancing of powers outlined in Article 7 of the Constitution. On February 21, 2024, the Council of Ministers…

Event: Oversight of Public Finances. On the Role of Parliament, Institutions and Civil Society

Organizer: AIS, promotor of Open Data Albania  Project and Partnership: Increasing Parliament’s Responsiveness to Citizens’ Concerns, Project supported by the British Embassy in Tirana and implemented by a consortium led by IDM, in partnership with Citizens Channel and AIS  Agenda: Download here Opening and Welcoming Speech  Mrs. Aranita Brahaj – AIS’ Executive Director  Mr. Sam Goldbart, First Secretary, Justice, Political and Homme Affairs British Embassy…

AIS’ concerns about the Project Law on Amendments to the Public Procurement Law, noting inconsistencies with the SAA and potential risk of corruption.

Dear Friends,  On February 8, 2024, the Parliament will vote on a Project Law on Amendments to the Public Procurement Law No. 162/2020 during a plenary session.  The AIS organization, known as Open Data Albania, has previously participated in the Public Consultation process of the Albanian Government for this Project Law (June-September 2023). Link Being familiar with the project of the law, currently under review…

Supporting Public Procurement Best Practice and Instil a Watchdog Culture, Open Contracting in Albania

The Public Procurement sector represents risk number “One” for government corruption, with 30% of public expenditures allocated through tenders. AIS plays a crucial role in advancing Open Tendering Standards and strengthening the Watchdog model. The Open Procurement Database serves as a transparency and accountability instrument in tendering process. Passports containing information on all tendering phases are accessible for the Local Governments LGU, Health sector, Albanian Road Authority ARRSH, Albanian Development Fund and Public Companies.…

Media Businesses – Increased Profits in Election Years. Economic Power of Media Owners, Interests in licensed sectors, and state contracting

Open Data Albania has published an analytical article providing information on annual revenue and profits of Television Media Businesses. The data reveals higher profits and revenues in the electoral year of 2021 compared to preceding or subsequent years. Earlier, ODA released a report on the Economic Power of Audiovisual Media Owners, emphasizing that individual owners in TV companies own 10 to 39 other companies. Their connections and interests revolve…

Registry of Magistrates – Improve Access and Public Trust in Justice, Integrity after Vetting

The organization AIS presented the project “Access to Justice – Albanian Register of Magistrates” at a regional event in December with a focus on Knowledge and Idea Exchange for Open Governance. Alongside NDI Montenegro, activists and officials gathered in Budva to delve into various models and initiatives related to Open Governance. The Mine of Data, the Registry of Magistrates, showcases Passports containing information and documents for each judge and prosecutor, encompassing even those…

Audiovisual Media companies 2022 Revenue and Profit

Open Data Albania has examined the revenue and profit, for the year 2022, of the business company licensed as audiovisual media. Based on the International Accounting (IAS) and Financial Reporting Standards, revenue is the gross receipt of an economic return during a certain economic period, which is a common activity for an economic pension. The data used for research purposes were obtained from the National…

Magistrates pending the Vetting process after November 30, 2023, from a gender perspective.

According to letter no. 4556/2, dated 30.11.2023, from the Independent Qualification Commission, in response to the Albanian Institute of Sciences’ request dated 20.11.2023, it is evident that as of 30.11.2023, the preliminary re-evaluation has concluded for 712 subjects, which accounts for 84.4% of the total 805 subjects listed in the ex-officio document. It is projected that by 31.12.2024, the date when the constitutional mandate of…

Conference on Exchanging Knowledge and Ideas for Open and Transparent Governance – AIS presents the Justice Access database as an inspiring model for OGP in the Region

Justice Access – The Magistrates’ Registry is the latest database created by the AIS organization promoting open data for Albania. The Data Mining Magistrate’s Register is designed to increase access and public trust in the Critical Reform in the Judicial System. At the invitation of the National Democratic Institute NDI Montenegro, this Civil Society Initiative for Improving Access, Control, and Public Trust in Justice was…

Companies with Foreign Ownership in the List of the 100 Largest Companies by Revenue in 2022

Out of the 100 businesses that generated the highest revenues in 2022, 22 are owned by foreign citizens and entities, while 12 are under mixed ownership. These companies operate within our country. This article ranks the values associated with these companies and their annual turnover. The data for ranked values are based on turnover declarations in the Financial Statements submitted to the General Directorate of…

Open Contracting Albania Project – Impact on the Media

During the period of May to November 2023, data and products from the project titled ‘Instil a Watchdog Culture, Open Contracting Albania, and Red Flag Index Project’ have become part of the Information Sessions with Journalists and Media Representatives in the country. Using information and tender passports, journalists have prepared dozens of investigative articles shedding light on irregularities and issues within municipality tenders or Reconstruction…