Transparency with Beneficial Ownership: Issues of Legislation, Practice, and Empowerment of Actors Working for Transparency

AIS, the promoter of Open Data Albania, is actively working to enhance transparency in Beneficial Ownership and the Public Access Registry. Recognizing the crucial role investigative journalists play in uncovering and tracking cases of money laundering, corruption, conflict of interest, and undue influence, AIS’s team of experts and data analysts has worked to increase capacities and knowledge. Participants: Investigative Journalists, Activists, and Representatives from Non-Governmental…

Corruption in Tendering. The Prime Minister proposes the use of AI, the opposition recommends AIS’s Open Procurement Albania platform, a high-tech tool where 40% of procedures are identified as risky

The Prime Minister has proposed an Anti-Corruption Reform introducing the use of Artificial Intelligence in Public Procurement. The Parliamentary opposition, represented by Jorida Tabaku, MP and Chairwoman of the Incinerator Investigative Committee, suggested that the Government should, instead, use the platform Open Procurement Albania, a technological tool created by the organization AIS, aiming to identify corruption cases in tendering. The MP Tabaku shared her statement…

Youth Hearings on the Budget in the Municipalities of Berat and Has

As part of the implementation of the project “Youth Activism for Good Governance in Berat and Has Municipalities. Instilling Watchdog and Activism Culture” AIS organization has worked with 44 young participants to strengthen their capacities in monitoring, analysis, advocacy, and participation in fair municipal budgeting. In December, the month when Local Government Units finalize their budgets, youth consultation meetings were held in the municipalities of…

Instill Watchdog Culture – Training on Monitoring Public Spending and Procurement in Local Governance, Berat

📍Location: Hotel Portik (Conference Room), Berat🗓 Date: December 21, 2024🕙Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM On December 21, 2024, AIS – promoter of Open Data Albania organized a training and workshop focused on Strengthening the Culture of Monitoring, with a particular emphasis on Monitoring Public Spending and Contracting in Local Government Units. This activity was held as part of the project “Youth Activism for Good…

Instill Watchdog Culture – Training on Monitoring Public Spending and Procurement in Local Governance, Has

📍Location: YES Centre Has, New Municipality Building, First Floor🗓 Date: December 18, 2024🕙Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM On December 18, 2024, AIS – promoter of Open Data Albania organized a training and workshop focused on Strengthening the Culture of Monitoring, with a particular emphasis on Monitoring Public Spending and Contracting in Local Government Units. This activity was held as part of the project “Youth…

Workshop organized by AIS, topic: “Civil Society and Parliament in the Process of Drafting, Consulting, and Approving the State Budget

On November 27th, the organization AIS, a leading advocate for Open Data Albania, hosted a training session for local organizations, activists, and journalists on the topic: “Civil Society and Parliament in the Process of Drafting, Consulting, and Approving the State Budget.” The event was part of the project “Increasing Parliamentary Responsiveness to Citizens’ Concerns,” supported by the British Embassy in Tirana and implemented by a…

Collaboration with Institutions. There has been public pressure for investigations and audits of reported high-risk cases.

The High State Audit (ALSAI), in preparing its Annual Audit Planning Methodology document, published in March 2024, (page 7), listed AIS’s Open Data platforms – Open Procurement Albania and Open Spending Albania – as sources contributing to the collection of information and alerts during the drafting it’s the Annual Audit Plan. Throughout 2023–2024, data on high-risk procurements has been exchanged. This means that tenders marked…

Tracking Corruption through Open Data and Evidence. Training for activists and journalists

A total of 85 young activists and journalists have been trained by the AIS organization on the practical aspects of Tracking Corruption through Open Data and Evidence-Based Data. The final session of this training took place on October 11-12th, as part of the activities of the EU4 Rule of Law: Citizens Engagement for Public Integrity (CEPI) project in the Western Balkans and Turkey, funded by…

Empowering Fact-Based Journalism – A DataThon with Investigative Journalists. Instilling the Watchdog Culture

A DataThon for media professionals, held on November 1-2, 2024 in Berat, brought together 25 leading investigative journalists from prestigious TV’s and newspapers, such as Top Channel; A2 CNN; Klan News; Syri Tv; News 24; ABC News; Panorama; Vizion Plus; MCN TV etc. For two consecutive days, journalists, mentored by AIS staff, worked together to create stories on corruption and issues in Public Procurement. The…

Call for Active Youth from Berat and Has

Young individuals are invited to apply if they wish to be Active, Informed, and Engaged Citizens. Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), promoter of Open Data Albania, invites youth from the Has and Berat Municipalities to take part in activities aimed at raising awareness and building capacities for advocacy and monitoring of Public Spending and Procurement. Applicants who wish to participate in training, info sessions, and…

Training – Tracking Corruption through Data and Evidence: Issues of Transparency

Organizer: Albanian Institute of Science (AIS), promotor of Open Data Albania. Participants: 1. Civil Society Representatives; 2. Journalists; 3. Members of the Open Data Youth Fellowship for Anti-Corruption. Project: This activity takes place within the framework of the “EU4 Rule of Law: Citizen Engagement for Public Integrity (CEPI) in the Western Balkans and Turkey” project. The Project is funded by the European Union. Topics covered in…

Public Consultation on the Anticorruption Draft-Strategy. AIS proposes the inclusion of State Owned Companies (SOC) in the list of high-risk sectors

In response to the Invitation of the Ministry of State for Public Administration and Anticorruption, for participation in the Public Consultation of the Draft – National Anticorruption Strategy, launched in July 2024, the AIS organization participated in the Meeting with Civil Society and also addressed written suggestions and opinions. Evaluating the completed document and the opportunity to participate in public consultation, AIS suggests an Additional…

Info-sessions with Journalists: Investigative journalists use data, evidence, and visualizations from the Open Procurement Albania database for LGUs – Examples

The Albanian Institute of Science hosts journalists in its premises every other week, during which they report and use our data to conduct Investigative Articles. Most journalists use information related to Tenders and Red Flag Assessment in tenders. These Info sessions are preceded by announcements on social network and a WhatsApp communication group. Their result is related to the distribution of the information contained in…

Civil Society and the role of the Parliament in the Drafting, Consultation and Approval Process of the State Budget – Training on Kamëz, July 26, 2024

Organized by: AIS Organization, a promotor of Open Data Albania. Project and Partnership: Increasing Parliament’s Responsiveness to Citizens’ Concerns, Project supported by the British Embassy in Tirana and implemented by a consortium led by IDM, in partnership with Citizens Channel and AIS. Objective: Building the capacities of CSOs, activists and local media to contribute in the planning of the state budget and public spending policies…

Mis-Use of Public Funds during Election Period: Civil Society Call for Amendments to Electoral Legislation ahead of 2025 Elections

Three civil society organizations engaged in issues of transparency, accountability and democratic culture have recently addressed a letter to the Parliamentary Committee for Legal Affairs and the Group of Dialogue. More specifically: ·       the Albanian Institute of Sciences (AIS), promoter of Open Data Albania, with Executive Director Mrs. Aranita Brahaj. ·       the Society for Democratic Culture (SDC), with Executive Director Mrs. Gerta Meta. ·       the Albanian Center for…