Payments for Classified (Secret) Contracts by AKSHI: 6.64 Billion ALL Over Six Years

Classified contracts involve the procurement of services or equipment where, due to national security considerations, the state authority refrains from issuing public announcements or publishing related data and contract drafts. Such contracts, conducted as closed procurements without open competitive bidding and restricted to a predefined group of contractors, can often be associated with challenges to competition and transparency. The only available information on these contracts…

Top 10 Businesses ranked based on the value of State Treasury Transactions registered in 2023

Open Data Albania is publishing a list businesses benefiting the most from the State Treasury Transactions during the 12 months of 2023. Exempted from the examination are payments with state institutions as beneficiaries or payments towards second tier banks. Likewise excluded are that category of transactions that comprises a transfer towards a publicly owned company. During 2023 as much as 282 103 transactions towards budgetary…

Milot – Fier Concession Road Axis Project with Public Private Partnership: Adriatic Ionian Road Corridor AIC

The Albanian state has so far activated the PPP project for the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of the Milot-Fier road axis. This segment is part of the Adriatic Ionian Road Corridor, a strategic project for Southeast Europe, part of the expansion of the Trans-European Transportation Network in the Western Balkans. The corridor stretches from the Croatian border, in Tivar, to the Albanian border with Montenegro,…

Fact-Checking: Verification of Public Procurement Statistical Data, reported by Prime Minister Rama at the Socialist Party Parliamentary Group Meeting on 07.05.2024

The AIS team, promotor of Open Data Albania and creators of the Open Procurement Albania database, is diligently fact-checking the statistical information presented by Prime Minister Edi Rama during the Socialist Party Parliamentary Group meeting on 07.05.2024. Specifically, we are focusing on the Public Procurement Statistics. From the Prime Minister’s speech, which occurred between minutes 1:33:00 and 1:43:00 of the recorded session, link: Meeting of the Socialist…

The Origin of Capital and Ownership for companies registered in our country 2023

Open Corporates Albania is a database created and maintained by the AIS organization. In the present article we are disclosing information regarding Business Companies, based on their Origin of Capital, i.e. meaning the Business owners’ country of origin. This information helps to understand who holds economic and commercial interests in Albania and serves as an indicator on how easy it is to do business in the…

Magistrates submitted to the Vetting, February 2018 – November 2023, Level of Confirmation, Resignations and Statistics by Gender Groups

From February 8, 2018 to October 31, 2023, 702 subjects, or 87.2% of the 805 subjects present in the ex-offico list, were called to submit to the vetting process. Source: Akses drejtesi Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania It emerges that, of the 702 individuals called and vetted, 429 are men and 273 women or 61.11% men and 38.9% women. As of November 2023, the…

Audiovisual Media companies 2022 Revenue and Profit

Open Data Albania has examined the revenue and profit, for the year 2022, of the business company licensed as audiovisual media. Based on the International Accounting (IAS) and Financial Reporting Standards, revenue is the gross receipt of an economic return during a certain economic period, which is a common activity for an economic pension. The data used for research purposes were obtained from the National…

Magistrates pending the Vetting process after November 30, 2023, from a gender perspective.

According to letter no. 4556/2, dated 30.11.2023, from the Independent Qualification Commission, in response to the Albanian Institute of Sciences’ request dated 20.11.2023, it is evident that as of 30.11.2023, the preliminary re-evaluation has concluded for 712 subjects, which accounts for 84.4% of the total 805 subjects listed in the ex-officio document. It is projected that by 31.12.2024, the date when the constitutional mandate of…

Companies with Foreign Ownership in the List of the 100 Largest Companies by Revenue in 2022

Out of the 100 businesses that generated the highest revenues in 2022, 22 are owned by foreign citizens and entities, while 12 are under mixed ownership. These companies operate within our country. This article ranks the values associated with these companies and their annual turnover. The data for ranked values are based on turnover declarations in the Financial Statements submitted to the General Directorate of…

Public Investments with Foreign and Domestic Financing: The level of Budgetary Planning non-consolidation, Revisions and actual Consolidation 2018 – 2024

Open Data Albania is going through the data on budget capital expenditures, for the years 2018-2024.  Capital expenditures are the expenditures made by a certain budget unit for the provision of new public assets or the repair of the previous ones  – and whose life expectancy goes beyond a single fiscal year, – as well as for capital transfers. Capital expenditure is financed from internal…

Planned Concessions and PPP contracts launching in 2024 and respective value

Open Data is examining the information regarding to the government’s fresh plans for Concessions and Public Private Partnerships (PPP( for the year 2024. The data was obtained from the Ministry of Finance and Economy, extracted from the Draft Law for the Year 2024 Budget. There are 6 new Concession/PPP projects, worth about ALL 109.5 billion or Euro 1.04 billion that have been planned to be…

Media Owners, Economic Power through Businesses and Capital, Audiovisual Media June 2023

Open Data Albania is presenting evidence regarding the Economic Power of twenty-seven primary shareholders in Television Media, specifically within Business Companies that oversee the operation of major screens and television channels. As the foremost television entities in the country, the ranking includes 14 companies that hold licenses issued by the Audiovisual Media Authority, while also reporting declared capital and profits. We will detail the economic…

Individual Grant Payments for the Reconstruction after the Earthquake, focus on Election Campaigns, 2020 – May 2023 comparison

Open Data Albania is bringing up to date the distribution of individual grants in the frame of the Reconstruction Program after the Earthquake, in non Election months, throughout the 2020-2023 period, and in the months part of Election Campaigns (30 days before voting). Construction or Reconstruction grants have benefited families damaged by the natural disaster, whose residential houses have been classified as damaged or uninhabitable.…

Potential for Public Investments in the Municipality of Tirana and Effectiveness, Non-Realization and Deviation in value, 2019 – 2022

Open Data Albania is examining the possibility of the Municipality of Tirana to invest in infrastructure, by way of contracts and tenders with Object Direct Projects and Public Works. It is the first time that the indicator Potential in Public Investments of the Municipality of Tirana is being researched. The analysis is considering as Potential Investments all the revenues and funds that the Municipality has…

Structure of Expenditures in the State Budget during 2005-2022 period, Current and Capital (non-current, emergency situations)

Open Data Albania is analyzing the Structure of State Budget Expenditures for the 2005-2022 period. The total expenditures of the State Budget are non-refundable payments, made by the government for the fulfillment of its functions (healthcare, defense, education, maintaining order, etc.). The Structure of Expenditures consists of several categories, such as Capital Expenditures, which are investments and public works with long-term effects and sustainability, Current…