Ministry of Education and Science Budget for 2012

Expenditures allocated to “Ministry of Education and Science”  for 2012 is shown in the graph below: Source: Ministry of FinanceComments and Analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA) Budget allocated to every program related to Ministry of Education and Science or 2012 by percent is shown graphically as folllows: Source: Ministry of FinanceComments and Analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA) All the information is presented in the dynamic…

Revenues from health contributions for the Albania Health Insurance Institute during 2000-2011

Albania Health Insurance Institute (AHII) is one of the most important institutions of the country’s health system. It was established in 1995, after the Albanian government’s decision to build a health financing system based on contributions and a single payer. Initially, the AHII reimbursement service covered only a number of drugs, but whiles it was designed to provide step by step more and more services.…

Activity of hospitals

The number of hospitals per 100.000 inhabitants from 1993 until 2008 is shown in the graph below: Source: Ministry of HealthComments and analysis: ODA The number of hospital beds per 100.000 inhabitants from 1993 until 2008 is shown in the graph below: Source: Ministry of HealthComments and analysis: ODA The entire dataset on the activity of hospitals  from 1993 until 2008 is shown in the…

The unemployment rate in Albania and a regional comparison

The unemployment rate is the ratio between the number of registered unemployed individuals and the individuals currently in the labor force. The labor force refers to the share of the working age population who are either in a job or actively looking for one. The comparison between Albania and the other countries of the region is given in the following figure: * IMF estimatesSource: IMFComments…

Retirement Pensions: City vs. Countryside

Open Data Albania has conducted a research work on the average and minimum retirement pension in the Albanian villages and cities during the last decade. The report is based on datasets of the monthly pension benefited by the individuals provided from INSTAT (Albanian Institute of Statistics). In the last years, the average retirement pension payment has changed as shown in the following chart: Source: INSTAT…

Fluctuations of Unemployment insurance benefits, Social Assistance and Compensation for Ex-Political prisoners in the Consolidated Budget during 2009

Unemployment insurance benefits, social assistance and compensation for ex-political prisoners are part of Consolidated Budget under “Other Expenditures” category. Even these categories have a small share to total budget expenditure, about 4% -5%, due to nature of social classes that benefit from these payments the sensitivity is high. The following chart shows the fluctuations of these categories in the Initial Budget, Revised Budget, Normative Act…

The Conference “Open Data in Albania” – June 22, 2011

Open Data ideology and practice requires that data are freely available for everyone, laying the foundations for transparency and decision making. Many democratic countries have supported this practice, freeing and facilitating access to their government data.Open Data Albania is a new initiative that embraces the Open Data principles for Albania. This project aims to collect from public offices data on socio-economic indicators, process and publish…

Indicators of drinkable water supply

Water plays a vital role in human life. It is estimated that approximately 2.6 billion people worldwide do not have access to hygienic water, and about another 900 million do not consume safe water.  Since water is a fundamental premise for a healthy life,  it has been a determining factor in population’s migration from one place to another. From this standpoint Albania can be considered…

Activity of Health Centers, Polyclinics & Ambulances

The total number of health institutions and medical examinations is shown in the graph below: Source: Ministry of HealthComments and Analysis: ODA The graph below displays the number of medical examinations by age and category from 1993 to 2008: Source: Ministry of HealthComments and Analysis: ODA The entire dataset on health institutions 1993-2008 is shown in the table below: Source: Ministry of HealthComments and Analysis:…

Budget for function ‘Environment’ for the year 2012

Expenditures allocated for Environment function for 2012 is shown in the graph below: Source: Ministry of FinanceComments and Analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA) Budget allocated to every program related to “Environment” function for 2012 by percent is shown graphically as folllows: Source: Ministry of FinanceComments and Analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA)All the information is presented in the dynamic table below: Source: Ministry of FinanceComments and…

The unemployment rate in Albania

The unemployment rate is the ratio between the number of registered unemployed individuals and the individuals currently in the labor force. The labor force refers to the share of the working age population (in Albania from 16 years old to retirement) who are either in a job or actively looking for one. Historically, the unemployment rate has changed as shown in the following figure:Source: Bank…

Remittances and unemployment rate in the developed neighbouring countries

A remittance is a net money transfer from abroad without refund. These kinds of transfers are among the components of the current account in the balance of payments.   Open Data Albania has conducted a research work on the level of remittances and the unemployment rate in two countries of the region where part of Albanian emigrants live: Italy and Greece. The data are based…

Fluctuations of Tax Revenues during 2009

Tax revenues are the main item of total revenues of state budget. Below are given the components of tax revenues in the Initial Budget, Revised Budget, and Normative Act versus the Actual Budget of 2009. In the Revised Budget, tax revenues fell by 3.5% or 6 billion ALL a trend which is reflected even in the Normative Act. Meanwhile, tax revenues in the actual budget…

Infant mortality rate in Albania

Open Data Albania has conducted a research work on the infant mortality rate in Albania and in parallel has made a comparison with the other countries of the region. The report is based on the World Bank dataset. The infant mortality rate is an important indicator of a country’s health conditions. This indicator is also used to compare the countries socio-economic development (the higher the…