Open Data Albania has conducted a research on Albania’s trade balance in 2010. The report is based on the data from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy (MoE) and Institute of Statistics INSTAT. The trade balance measures the difference between exports and imports value for an economy. Exports represent the value of all goods / services sold / committed abroad, while imports represent the…
Banking system profitability in Albania
Open Data Albania has conducted a study on the banking system profitability in Albania. The report is based on data obtained by the Bank of Albania and the study titled “ An anlysis of the risk and return of the Albanian Banking System” by Irini Kalluci. The banking system is a very important part of the econamic and financial system and for this reason its…
Which Insurance Company Pays More Claims?
Open Data Albania has conducted a research on the claims paid by the insurance companies. This research is based on the data provided by FSA (Financial Supervising Authority). The insurance market is a very important part of our financial system. It includes the private and state owned companies which are in the business of insuring individuals and businesses. In order to benefit from the insurance…
Albania’s public debt by maturity
Debt stock of a country’s total public debt is issued at home and abroad and has not yet been repaid. Public debt can be repaid within one year (short-term debt), or after more than 1 year (long-term debt). Open Data Albania, has conducted a research, based on data from the Bank of Albania, Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) concerning the stock…
Domestic and Foreign Public Debt in Albania
Debt stock of a country’s is total public debt issued home and abroad and has not yet been repaid. Public debt may be issued domestically and held by residents (domestic debt), or outside the country and held by non-residents (foreign debt). Open Data Albania, has conducted a research, based on data from the Bank of Albania, Ministry of Finance and the International Monetary Fund regarding…
Traffic Accidents in Albania
Open Data Albania has conducted a reseach on the number of traffic accidents in Albania, as well as the number of injured in these accidents, based on data provided by INSTAT. Starting with year 1995, the number of traficc related accidents and injuries has varied as follows in the chart below: Source: INSTATAnalysis and Comments: Open Data Albania As you can see in the…
Survival up to age 65 (2002-2010)
Open date Albania has conducted a research on an indicator set to “survival up to age 65”. Survival up to age 65 is an estimate on the percentage of newborn babies who survive up to age 65. This provision is estimated if all the days of the newborn do not alter the conditions of mortality. This indicator is considered different for the two sexes and…
Maternal mortality ratio (1992-2011)
Open date Albania has conducted a research on maternal mortality in Albania. Maternal mortality rate is the number of women who die during pregnancy and childbirth per 100.000 live births. The report is based on World Bank data for the period 1992-2011. For the period 2007-2011 the maternal mortality rate stands at 31 deaths per hundred thousand births. This indicator has been in decline from…
The economic damages in the main municipalities during 2007-2010
Open Data Albania has conducted a research on the economic damages caused in the main municipalities of the country. Research analysis includes period during 2007-2010. The average frequency of auditing is an audit is exercised in 2.5 years. The data are taken from reports on the activity of the Supreme State Audit (SSA) and the State Budget, published by the Ministry of Finance. According to…
Economic Damages related to the sale/lease of state property 2005-2010
Open Data Albania has analyzed the dynamics and characteristics of the economic damages related to the sale and leasing of state property. The economic damages related to the sale and leasing of state property are identified as incorrect calculation or enforcement of tariffs when leasing public property. Furthermore failure to collect the rent of the leased objects which are being used by private entities without…
Economic Damages in the Public Procurement Field
Economic Damages in the Public Procurement Field are generally identified in: calculations of the contract value; respecting of the monetary limits/selection of the public procurement procedure; preparation of the tender documents; listing of the technical specifications and evaluation criteria; submission and acceptance of offers presented; ensuring the validity of the offer; notification of the winner and administrative revision of the complaints; contract signing and relationship…
Cost of public debt per capita in the years 1998-2012
Debt taken from one state to finance a part of its expenditures, whether current or capital expenditures is associated with the obligation to pay the interest, which is often known as the cost of debt. Cost of public debt is one of the most financed functions from the state budget and for that reason the attention to this indicator is increasing continuously. A very important…
The amount of public debt per capita during 2000-2012
Debt per capita is an indicator that is calculated as the ratio of total public debt issued domestically and abroad (which has not yet been paid) by the population of that country. It serves to identify the amount of public debt that belongs to every citizen and is considered one of the key indicators that reflect a country’s ability to continue to pay the debt…
Economic damages and its structure during 2005-2010
Open Data Albania has conducted an analysis on the value of economic damages for the period of 2005-2010. The total amount of economic damages is 31,402,373,000 Albanian Lek. Source: Supreme State Audit (SSA)Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA) The behaviour of economic damages appears erratic. The highest value of economic damages was in 2009 reaching the level of 7,305,656,000 Albanian Lek, followed by the…
Economic damages in the tax sector during 2005-2010
Economic damages in the tax sector is mainly caused as a result of violation of tax and fiscal legislation. Financial discipline violations were noted as deviations in the declaration of value added taxes (VAT) and income taxes; introducing several unknown cost in the balance sheet for the calculation of corporate taxes, failure to declare and to pay income taxes; failure of payments of income tax…