Economic damages in the customs sector during 2005-2010

Open Data Albania has conducted a research about the economic damages in the customs sector during the period 2005-2010. Economic damages are caused in the customs sector as a result of actions: avoidance of customs duties and erroneous calculations of tariffs, the difference in calculating the customs clearance and transportation costs, reduction of fines values without legal basis; non application or poor application of penalties…

The structure of economic damages for operating expenditures, wages system, bonuses and other expenditures 2005-2010

According to the research of Open Data Albania, the economic damages caused in public administration is represented by the economic damages in the area of operating expenditures, wages system, bonuses and other expenditures. Economic damages noted in the area of operating expenditures results as a consequence of illegal actions such as travel expenses and per diem, expenses exceeding the limits for mobile and unjustified costs…

Compensation of economic abuse during 2005-2010

State Supreme Audit objective is the compensation of economic abuses. The level of realization of the compensations shows the responsibility of the public administration managers in exercising the obligations undertaken. State Supreme Audit provides measures for compensating economic damages aiming the smooth of the economic abuses through the collection of cash from entities who have committed financial misconducts. Other measures are organizational and administrative ones…