Open Data Albania has conducted a study on the structure of the insurance market in Albania. The report is based on data provided by the Financial Supervision Authority (FSA). The insurance market is a very important part of the overall financial system. It includes the private and state owned insurance companies that provide insurance for individuals and businesses. In order to benefit from such service,…
Use of electricity during years 1998-2010
Use of electricity is one of the parameters that enables us to analyze the efficiency of the utilization of the electric energy. Total sources of electricity serve one or more of the following main categories: consumers, export, and losses in the grid. Source: Energy Report, INSTATComment and analysis: ODA As years have gone by, the strucutre of use as changed. From a ratio of Losses/Consumers…
Structure of final use of electricity
The structure of electricity consumption serves to identify its main users. It is an indicator that allows us to judge the scale of economic and industrial development of a country. The more electricity the private sector uses (industry, agriculture, transport, etc) the more developed the country is. On the other hand, analyzing the structure of final use helps to determine the measures necessary for a…
Total Losses of Electricity
Of the most important parameters for measuring the efficiency of the consumption of electricity is the level of losses. For many years this has been one of the biggest concerns of the energy sector and it appears that it is still very present. Total losses include Losses in the Distribution System, Losses in the Transmition System, and Non-technical Losses which refer to the electricity taken…
Amounts billed and payments received for electricity during 2002-2009
The second component that helps in determining the efficiency of electricity use is the ratio of payments received versus the amounts billed. Burimi: 2009 Annual ERE reportComments and analysis: Open Data Albania The graph shows that the amount billed (in nominal value) has been constantly increasing. This could be partly explained by the increase in electricity consumption, the price increase, but also by an increase…
Agregate Sources, Imports and Production of Electricity during 1998-2010
As one of the main requirements for a normal lifestyle for the people and the development of the country’s economy, securing the necessary elcetric energy is a real challenge for every government. The demand for electricity is ever increasing, therefore planning the energy production is a pre-condition for a normal energitic situation. Comments and analysis: ODASource: Energy Report, INSTAT Aggregate sources represent all possible alternatives for…
Production of Electricity by the Private Sector
The private sector that produces electricity mades up a small market and still has a low impact in the overall production of electricity in our country. Although after 2008 the number of private companies operating in this market has increased, the data shows that they are still far from being an important factor. Presently the private market is made up by small HEC-s which are…