Open Data Albania carried an analysis of the data on population and sex ratio among different age groups in Albania for 2001 and 2011. For this analysis we used data from Population and Housing Censuses and published by the Institute of Statistics. In 2001, in Albania there were 1.53 million males and 1.54 females. Sex ratio didn’t show a great difference, approximately there were 99…
Population among age groups in Albania 2001/2011
Open Data Albania carried a research on population among age groups. Statistical data are supplied by the Institute of Statistics and are collected through the Census of April 2001 and that of October 2011. Data on population among the age groups are usually collected through two main sources: Live Event Register and Censuses. The Life Event Register (or Civic Register) holds data on births and…
Government budget support for the Central Election Commission, 2003-2013
Open Data Albania has updated the data regarding the funding of CEC from the government budget for the years 2012 and 2013. The Central Election Commission (CEC) is the institution responsible for the administrations of elections in Albania. It is financed by the state budget and is an independent institution by the Central Government. Its funding from the budget varies depending whether it is an…
Number of employees in the budgetary sector
Open Data Albania has analyzed the number of employees in the budgetary sector for the period 2011-2013. The data is taken from the budgetary planned tables of Ministry of Finance. Budgetary institutions refer to all the ministries and departments directly dependent on the government, or independent and constitutional institutions. Their employees’ wages are entirely covered by the governmental budget. The overall number of employees in…
Holders of Domestic Debt 2012
Public Domestic Debt Dtock is divided between the Bank of Albania, Raiffeisen Bank, Non-bank institutions and Individuals. Open Data Albania has updated data on Domestic Debt Holders with the 2012 data. Even during 2012 shows a positive trend of increasing the number of participants in the primary market for securities of the Government. More specifically, the trend is towards increasing the share of Non-bank Institutions…
Credit to Households by Purpose in 2012
Open Data Albania has researched the data on household loans in Albania in 2012, based on data provided from the Bank of Albania. The types of loans by purpose of use are divided into categories: real estate, durable goods, non-durable goods, business activities and overdraft. • Real estate represents mortgage loans and land acquisition. • Durable goods represent purchase of long-term goods, such as vehicles…
Foreign Holders of Debt 2012
Foreign Holders of Debt are those international financial institutions that profit foreign debt through bilateral or multilateral agreements. Foreign Debt Stock divided by concessional has undergone changes in the direction of growth of loans signed in terms of non concessional resources for the financing of projects with strategic significance. Albania already qualifies as a country of average income, which has brought as a result the…
Government budget support for Civil Society, 2008 – 2013
Civil Society of Albania is funded by the state budget, a fund which is administrated by the Agency for the Support of Civil Society. ASCS is a central budgetary public entity and it acts to fulfill its mission and objectives in conformity with the law Nr.10 093, date 09.03.2009. It has 13 employees. The Charter of the CSSA is approved by the Council of Ministers.…