Open Data Albania is exploring changes in the basic capital of 120 joint stock companies under the ownership of a public institution (government) during 2014-2015. Research data were obtained from historical extracts contained in the database of the National Registration Center NRC. Changes in capital are an output of two procedures: Increase, or Decrease of the Company?s capital. The capital increase is due to: arrangement…
Administrators of Joint Stock companies with public capital, 31 December 2015
Open Data Albania is investigating on the administrators of JSCs with public institutions as shareholders. The administrator of a commercial company is appointed by the Supervisory Board, while the latter is elected by shareholders (in this case the public institution itself and the head of the institution). The research data are received from historic extracts of JSCs published on the database of the National Registration…
Annual turnover of Companies with a Public Institution as a shareholder, 2012-2014
Open Data Albania is exploring on annual turnover of companies with state entities as shareholders during 2012-2014. The data used in the research are obtained from historic extracts on joint stock companies contained under the documentation received in the National Registration Center, NRC. In 2014, out of 120 joint stock companies with a public institution as the majority shareholder, only 65 companies have publicized their…
Share Capital of the Commercial Associations JSC with a Public Institution as a shareholder; extracts obtained from NRC, 31 December 2015
Open Data Albania is exploring on the charter capital of companies with a Public Institution (state) as the sole, or majority shareholder. Data needed for this research were obtained from historical extracts of 120 joint-stock companies JSC, reflected in the database of the National Registration Center, NRC. On 31 December 2015, 120 joint stock companies under consideration recorded a total equity value of ALL 161.6…
Pre-Tax Annual Profit of Commercial Companies with a public institution as the shareholder, extracts obtained from NRC 2012-2014
Open Data Albania is exploring on pre-tax profits of companies with a public institution (state) as a shareholder during 2012-2014. This indices indicates the net accounting profit, or loss during an exercise period previous to deduction of income tax. The data used in this research are obtained from historic extracts of Joint Stock Companies under the documentation received in the National Registration Center, NRC. Consequently,…
Socialist Party, Funds and Expenditures for Local Election Campaign 2015
Open Data Albania is carrying out investigations on electoral funds and expenditures used during election campaign of 2015 by the electoral entity, the Socialist Party (SP). In this campaign for the local elections, SP has been provided a fund of ALL 9.3 million. In the financial report that was submitted, SP claims to have spent ALL 109.7 million, indicating so that the funds had been…
Donors registered in June 21, 2015 Election Campaign
Election entities are likely to be financed during election campaigns by private donors, local individuals or legal persons. Electoral Code has provided for the rules of donations to electoral entities and cases when donations from donor entities comprises a conflict of interest. Individuals, or legal entities can not donate larger amounts than one million. Each donation, which amounts more than one hundred thousand ALL is…
Democratic Party, Election Funds and Expenditures, Campaign for 2015 Local Elections
Open Data Albania is exploring on funding and expenditures made during elections campaign 2015 from the electoral entity, Democratic Party, DP. In this campaign for the local elections, the Democratic Party has been provided with a fund of ALL 81.1 million. In the financial report submitted, DP claims to have spent only 78.8 million ALL, marking so for the first time a surplus of funds…