Open Data Albania has investigated into business companies, which have been awarded public contracts by local government units from July 2015 until 30 January 2017. The investigation was conducted as part of the ‘Monitoring Municipality Clients in Public Contracts’ Project, supported by LevizAlbania. The investigation covers public procurement procedures, which were announced and finalized from July 2015 until 20 January 2017. July 2015 mars the…
Ranking of Municipalities by Value of Public Contracts awarded to Women-Owned Economic Operators
Open Data Albania is investigating into the economic operators owned by women, which have signed contracts with the local government units worth considerable amount of money. The investigation is done as part of the ‘Monitoring Municipality Clients in Public Contracts’ Project, supported by LevizAlbania. The investigation covers public procurement procedures announced and finalized from July 2015 until 20 January 2017. July 2015 is when the…
Values of Public Contracts signed between Local Government Units and Women-Owned Business Companies from July 2015 until 31 January 2017
Open Data Albania has investigated the distribution of the public contracts signed between the Municipalities and Business Companies for July 2015 – 31 January 2017, ranking them by value of contracts and gender of the company owner. Such investigation was part of the ‘Monitoring Municipality Clients in Public Contracts’ Project, supported by LevizAlbania. The investigation covered public procurement procedures that were announced and finalized from…