Open Data Albania is publishing data on annual electricity consumption by household and business customers for the 2017-2021 period.
Total electricity consumption has increased over the years. In 2021, the total consumption of Electricity is 8 414 836 MWh (megawatt hours) marking an increase of 10.9% compared to the previous year, 2020. The rise in electricity consumption is observed especially in Business Consumers, by about 18.2% megawatt hours, compared to 2020. The latter marked a decrease in consumption for businesses due to the decrease in manufacturing and industrial activity during the Covid-19 pandemic. Also, during 2021 there is an increase in electricity losses in distribution and transmission, an annual increase of 9.5% more in quantity compared to 2020.
Regarding the level of electricity production, during 2021, an amount of 8 962 700 MWh was produced, 68.7% more than in 2020, the largest amount and increase in production over the years. Production growth, as of the publication of this article (April 2022) is being presently discussed, along with the aspect of managing water reserves beyond limits.
Table: Consumption and Production of Electricity in Albania over the years, 2017-2021, in MWh
Source: INSTAT “Electricity”, Electricity Balance 2021 ERE Annual report 2017,2018,2019,2020,2021
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
This situation is also reflected in the amount of imports and exports of electricity during this year, where there is an increase in energy exports compared to imports. More specifically, for 2021, 2,800,443 MWh were exported, about 191% more than in 2020. As for imports, during this year, 2,252,548 MWh were imported, or about 30% less than the previous year. The exchange or Electricity balance is positive for 2021, with a very high amount, 547,895 MWh, exported. We cannot say the same about the monetary balance between purchases and sales, as such data are not published at face value.
Table: Consumption and Production of Electricity in Albania over the years, 2017-2021, in MWh
Source: INSTAT “Electricity”, Electricity Balance 2021
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Total energy consumption is divided in three categories: use by household customers, by business customers, as well as total network losses. For 2021, 3 081 617 MWh were consumed by Household Customers with a decrease of 4.2% compared to the previous year, while Business Customers consumed 3,548,348 MWh or an additional 18.2% compared to 2020.
The data show an increase of 9.5% in losses in distribution and transmission in the electricity network during the same period, which shows the problems over the years in the management of the transmission system and missing investments in this sector.
Table: Consumption and Production of Electricity in Albania over the years, 2017-2021, in MWh
Source: ERE Annual report 2017,2018,2019,2020,2021
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
More specifically, electricity consumption is achieved in a regulated market (which means the price of electricity is determined by decision of the ERE) and in the free market (which means that the price of electricity is determined by the market).
In the Regulated Market, there are consumed 5 447 460 MWh of energy from Household Customers and Non-Household Customers supplied by the Universal Service Provider (Universal Service Provider); 20,945 MWh of energy consumed by Non-Household Clients supplied by the Final Opportunity Provider (FMF); and in the meantime, about 28,756 MWh of electricity have been sold as economic damage.
While in the Free Market 64,916 MWh of energy purchased by customers in the liberalized market are consumed; 17,935 MWh are consumed by customers purchasing energy in the liberalized market connected to the DSO with FTL suppliers; as well as 719 MWh of energy consumed by customers connected to the Ballsh Thermal Power Plant; as well as 1 049 234 MWh are consumed by clients connected to OST.
Table: SMI, Total Funds and Expenditures for the party, 2021 Election Campaign
Source: Central Elections Committee (CEC) SMI Audit Report , SMI Report on elections 2021
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Compared to the Region, Albania is the country with the lowest per capita consumption of electricity, estimated for 2020 with about 2.67 MWh. Meanwhile, Serbia is the country with the highest per capita electricity consumption of about 5.38 MWh. Other countries are Kosovo (4.76 MWh per capita), Montenegro (4.6 MWh per capita) and Northern Macedonia with 3.69 MWh per capita.
Source: International Energy Agency, 2021
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Data for this Article are from the Energy Regulatory Entity (ERE), Electricity Distribution Operator (OSHEE), Institute of Statistics (INSTAT), International Energy Agency (IEA)
Download excel:Annual Electricity Consumption, businesses and households 2017-2021Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Translated by: Rezarta Cushaj