Number of seats held by women in the National Assembly held by women is a simple indicator which is calculated as the ratio of female representatives to the total number of representatives. Since the National Assembly can be either unicameral or bicameral, in order to calculate this indicator we have used the percentage of women in the unicameral assembly, or the lower chamber of the bicameral assembly[i] .

The number of seats held by women is generally analyzed within the context of social indicators since their participation in politics and legislative power is seen as a pre-condition for a better development of society and the human right protection.
Open Data Albania has completed a study on this indicator for the countries of our region, factoring in also the average of the European Union and the tendency worldwide during the 2007-2010 timeframe. The three worst performers are Hungary with a decreasing representation from 10.4 to 9.1%, Montenegro with a variation between 8.6 and 11.1%, and Turkey with a constant level of 9.1%. The United Nations through its operating organizations is trying to guide countries towards the minimum level of 30%. Understandably our region has a lot work to do to get to this standard of represantation. As far as Albania goes, it ranks seventh in 2010, leaving behind countries like Romania, Sllovenia and Sllovakia.

Source: World Bank
Comments and analysis: Open Data Albania

What is truly interesting is that the youngest state of the Ballkans, Kosovo,  is above the average of teh world, EU, and in full compliance with the directives of the United Nations, complying with the 30% mark since 2007, increasing it to 33.3% in 2010 elections. In fact, studies show that younger states have an easier time complying with the United Nations criteria compared to more established countries, nevertheless Kosovo is a very good example to follow for all the countries of our region and even further.

Macedonia does very well also ranking second with a level of representation of 32.5% in 2010. Quite interesting is the fact that the average of the European Union is below the level suggested by the United Nations. As a result, countries like France[ii] or Italy[iii] have a very low level of representation for women. Meanwhile Low Countries or Scandinavian Countries have high levels, around 40%.

Source: World Bank
Comments and analysis: Open Data Albania

What can be said at the end of this analysis is that not just our region, but even the European Union as a whole has a long way to go in terms of creating equal chances and opportunities for everyone, despite the gender. The 30% mark is the bare minimum  to walk towards reaching this goal, and the Political Parties must undertake serious committments to enable equal competition based on meritocracy avoiding the gedner bias.

All the data is presented in the table below:

Source: World Bank
Comments and analysis: Open Data Albania

[i] If Assembles are bi-cameral.
[ii] In 2010, % this indicator for France was 18.9%
[iii] In 2010, % this indicator for Italy was 21.3%