AIDS is classified as one of the most problematic diseases in recent years. In the absence of a cure, its prevention remains the best protection from it. AIDS can strike anyone, young adults but also children. Globally, it is ranked at second place as cause of death of the age group of 20-24 years and the first in the United States for the death of the age group of 25-44 years.

There is a difference between HIV and AIDS. HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus is the virus that can cause AIDS. It belongs to the group of viruses called retro viruses or “slow” viruses “. The virus enters the body through sexual contact or blood taken from an infected person, and slowly begins to strike in the immune system. Destruction of the protective system leads to AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). So, AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection. At this stage the body’s immune system is surrender and can fight no more sickness, no matter how easy it is.

The duration of the transition from HIV to AIDS depends on several factors. Nowadays there are many medications that can be used by those infected with HIV, helping them to develop a normal life for a longer time. Until 2010, in Albania results 406 people infected with HIV and 142 of them are on AIDS stage.

Source: Public Health Institute
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA)

Even from the chart it can be noted that in 2000 the number of infected has been too low, but after this period, the number of infected persons has been increasing with a relatively high rate. In 2007 the pace of growth of infected persons was 37.5% more than 2006.  The year 2009 is also characterized by a high rate of growth of infected people, more concretely round 24.5% more than in 2008.

Year 2010 has resulted in a decrease of persons identified with HIV, or 33% less than in 2009. One of the reasons of this trend is also accompanied with the low level of persons doing voluntary HIV test, from 3.143 people in 2009 to 2.160 people to 2010.

By the end of December, in 2010 there were 41 new HIV cases and more than half of them (54%) were in the stage of AIDS. This is the highest number of new cases of AIDS identified directly on this exacerbating stage, meaning the deterioration of this problematic situation. As soon is caught the existence of the virus in the body the better it is as through medications, can be extended the stage HIV before it turns into AIDS.

In these 41 new cases, 27 were male (65%) and 17 were female (35%). Also during 2010, are reported eight deaths due to AIDS, among which 4 of them belonged to the cases which were diagnosed during the same year. This means that society still remain uninformed about the necessity of voluntary tests.

Regarding the way of transmission of this disease, the way sexual transmission remains the most problematic case as it is appears round in 92% of total cases. Among them, only 81% and 11% were transmitted by heterosexual and homosexual contacts. 4% are cases of transmitting the virus is from mother to child through birth, 3% by blood transfusion and only  1% by the use of injections.

Source: Public Health Institute
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA)

Analyzing female-male ratio infected, the result shows that males are more affected. However, since 2003, the ratio has changed by increasing the number of infected women compared with males. In 2010 there have been 34% more women with HIV than in 2009.

Source: Public Health Institute
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA)

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Source: Public Health Institute
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania (ODA)