Source: Census
Analysis and comments: ODA
But analysing sex ratio among different age groups, there are more fluctuations. For Albanians fewer than 14, in 2001 there were 105 males per 100 females. In 2001 this discrepancy has been enlarged and was about 109 males per 100 females.
Source: Census
Analysis and comments: ODA
For age group 15-29 years old, in 2001 Albania has 356,000 males and 382,000 females or 94 males per 100 females. In 2011, this ratio has been inverted and Albania has 363,000 males and 341 females or about 106 males per 100 females.
For age group 30 to 45, in 2001 there were 322,000 males and 328 females with sex ratio of about 98 males per 100 females. In 2011 sex ratio for this age group was 91 males per 100 females, thus showing the differences observed in 2001 for the same generation that in that period was aged 15 to 29.
For age group 45 to 65 years, in 2001 sex ratio was 105 males for 100 females while in 2011 there were about 99 males per 100 females.
For population above 65 years old, in 2001 there were about 88 males per 100 females while in 2011 there were about 91 males per 100 females.
Distorted sex ratio among children is mostly linked to a natural higher number of male births. For age groups 15 to 45, the number of males is lower than that of females mainly due to the emigration, which affected more males than females.
For older population, the higher number of females is related to the higher life expectancy among females in comparison to males.
Contributed by: Gjergj Erebara