Open Data Albania carried a research on population among age groups. Statistical data are supplied by the Institute of Statistics and are collected through the Census of April 2001 and that of October 2011.

Data on population among the age groups are usually collected through two main sources: Live Event Register and Censuses. The Life Event Register (or Civic Register) holds data on births and deaths and as result creates data on population among the age groups. But Life Event Register doesn’t maintain data on migration and emigration, a major population factor in the case of Albania.

Thus, data collected through censuses gives a more accurate picture in our case. In some countries, Live Event Register includes also data on migration or emigration, but this is not the case of the National Register of Life Events of Albania.

Available data: INSTAT publishes data on population among age groups for 2001 and 2011. These statistics are reported on a five year interval such as 0 to 4 years old, 5 to 9, 10 to 14 and so forth. These statistics are reported on total population, male and female, urban or rural population.

Source: Census
Analysis and comments: ODA

In order to simplify the analysis, Open Data has aggregated these data on three main groups, 0 to 14 years, 15 to 64 years and 65 years and above. The first and the last group makes the inactive population while 14 to 64 years old makes the active population as a general definition given by the International Labor Organization, ILO.

The minimal age of work in the Republic of Albania, by law is 14 years, while the age of retirement is 65 years.

Source: Census
Analysis and comments: ODA

Population of Albania was 3.07 million in 2001 and fell to 2.8 million in 2011 showing an accumulated decrease of 8.8 per cent. But population under 15 years old fell much faster while population above 65 years increased by a large margin.

Population between 0 and 14 years old in 2001 was 890,000 and fell to 578,000 on 2011, showing a 29 per cent decrease. The female population under 14 showed a bigger fall than the number of males, caused by a big and increased disparity on sex ratio on birth.

Population between 15 and 64 years was 1.94 million in 2001 and fell to 1.9 million in 2011, showing a net decrease of about 1.8 per cent. Sex ratio among this group is almost equal, 961,000 males and 978 females.

Among the population in reproductive age, which includes as definition the group between 15 and 45 years, sex ratio in general is also almost equal, but for age groups 30-44 shows a strong overpopulation of females, due to higher emigration rate among male population.

Population of over 65 years old in Albania increased sharply from 231,000 in 2001 to 317,000 in 2011, showing a strong increase of 37 per cent over a decade. Sex ratio for the population above 65 years old is 91 males for 109 females.

Source: Census
Analysis and comments: ODA

In 2011, 20.7 per cent of Albanians were less than 14 years old, 68 per cent were between 15 and 64 years and 11.3 per cent were above 65 years old. 

Source: Census
Analysis and comments: ODA

In 2001, population under 14 made 29.3 per cent of the total population while age group 15-64 made 63.2 per cent and population above 65 made 7.5 per cent of the total population.

Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Contributed by: Gjergj Erebara