In 2014 the budgetary administration will mark 1210 fewer employees versus the previous year. Comparing the values in 2013 and 2014, we will see that there is a contraction of the Ministry of Defence staff, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Management, National Intelligence Service, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Finance and Attorney procurement. The number of employees has been reduced gradually in the past four years.
Source: Ministry of Finance, 2011-2014 consolidated budget
Processed: ODA
Meanwhile two new ministries such as the Ministry of Energy and Industry and the Ministry of Urban Development and Tourism have 533 and 617 employees respectively subordinated. While it remains unclear the Procurement?s Advocate, a budgetary institution with 14 employees in 2013 but not listed as a separate entity in the structure of employment table for the year 2014.
Source: Ministry of Finance, 2011-2014 consolidated budget
Processed: ODA
Meanwhile, Ministry of Education and Sports, Ministry of Integration, Ministry of Agriculture, and Consumer Protection Ushqimimit; Council of Ministers, the Parliament, have additional staff. Even other independent institutions as the High Inspectorate for the Declaration and Audit of Assets, Office of Judicial Budget employees have increased from 2013 in 2014.
Source: Ministry of Finance, 2011-2014 consolidated budget
Processed: ODA
Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Justice will be the two ministries with bigger cuts of subordinate staff. Defense’s organization in 2014 envolves 690 employees paid less, while in the Justice budget 570 employees will be forced to come out of the system. Shrinkage will mark the public health sector because in 2014 there are expected 346 less employees versus the preceding year.
Source: Ministry of Finance, 2011-2014 consolidated budget
Processed: ODA
Contributed by: Ina Baja