paid from the state budget for the loan still outstanding with the
population in a given year. Open Data Albania has examined the
performance of this indicator for the years 2010-2014.
Source: Ministry of Finance and INSTAT
Processing and comments: ODA
Data on the cost of debt for the years 2010-2012 refer to the actual reporting in the “Fiscal Indicators according to the consolidated budget” published by the Ministry of Finance, while the data for 2013 and 2014 , respectively refer to the Revised Budget and Initial Budget.
For the first three years of analysis, 2010-2012, it is noted that the cost of debt per capita has undergone minor fluctuations, moving from 14,494 all in 2010, at 14,738 all 1.68 % more in 2012. 2013 marks an important turning point for this indicator, increasing by 1333 all compared with 2012, or 16,071 all for each resident. In 2014, this amount is expected to increase even more, to reach 16 645 all per capita.
According to these calculations, an average family of four people “should contribute” with 66580 all per year in the state budget to repay debt interests. However, the rising cost of debt in 2014 is lower than in 2013. In 2013, cost of debt per capita rose by 9.05 % compared with 2012, while for year 2014, growth is expected to be 3.57 %.
It should be emphasized that the growth of the indicator from year to year is mainly caused by the increase of the amount of interest to be borne by the budget and a very small part is explained by the contraction of the population reported by INSTAT. The chart below makes this connection clear.
Source: Ministry of Finance and INSTAT
Processing and comments: ODA