Salary, as a concept, represents cash benefits, the employer gives the employee for the work performed in quantity, quality and time, and is determined in the labor contract, concluded between employers and employees. The highest salary in the public administration, budgetary and non-budgetary in the Republic of Albania is the salary of the President of the Republic, which is determined each year in the annual State Budget law. The salaries of senior state functionaries of constitutional institutions and other independent institutions created by law, the mandate of which is full-time, are determined in relation to the salary of the President of the Republic. (Law Nr.9584 dated 17/07/2006, updated with Law no. 9845, dated 17.12.2007)
After the President’s salary, the highest salaries are that of the Chairman of the Parliament, the Prime Minister and Chairman of the Constitutional Court, which are paid as 89 % of the salary of the President. They are followed by the Vice Chairman of the Assembly, the Vice Prime Minister, the Ombudsman, the Chairman of the Supreme State Audit, Chairman / Deputy Chairman of the Election Central Commission and the Constitutional Court judge, who are paid 73 % of the salary of the President. The Minister, the General Inspector of the High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets and the deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of Justice paid are 68 % of the salary of the President, while a deputy is paid 61 % of the salary of the President.
The Chairman of the Civil Service Commission, the Chairman of the Financial Supervision Authority, the Chairman of the Competition Authority, the Chairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, the Chairman of the Energy Regulatory Authority, the Chairman of the Regulatory Authority of the sector of Water Supply and Disposal and Processing of Waste Water, the Chairman of the National Council of Radio and Television, the member of the Election Central Commission, Commissioner for personal data Protection and the Commissioner for protection from Discrimination are paid 60 % of the salary of the President. A member of the Civil Service Commission, Ombudsman Commissioners, Members of the Board of the Financial Supervision Authority and the Competition Commission members are paid 55 % of the salary of the President.
And finally, the Deputy Chairman of the National Council of Radio and Television, the member of the Energy Regulatory Authority, the member of the Regulatory Authority of the sector of Water Supply and Disposal and Processing of Waste Water and the members of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority are paid 45% of President Salary.
Source: Law Nr.9584 dated 17/07/2006, updated nr.9845 Law dated 17.12.2007
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For year 2014 the President’s salary is 257,000 ALL / month. (Law Nr.185/2013) From 2009 until this current year this salary has not undergone many changes. It has moved from 250,000 ALL / month in 2009 to 260,000 ALL / month in the second half of 2010. In 2011 it fell again to 250,000 ALL / month, to be increased to 255,000 ALL / month in 2012. In 2013 the President’s salary was 257,000 ALL / month and it has remained so also in the current year.
Translated into monetary value, for 2014, the salary of the Chairman of the Assembly, the Prime Minister and the Chairman of the Constitutional Court is 228.730 ALL / month. For the second group, who are paid as 73 % of the salary of the President, the salary for this year is 187.610 ALL / month. Then we have the salary of the Minister, the General Inspector of the High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audit of Assets and Vice Chairman of the High Council of Justice, which is 174.760 ALL / month.
A deputy is paid with 156.770 ALL / month. The Chairman of the Civil Service Commission, the Chairman of the Financial Supervision Authority, the Chairman of the Competition Authority, the Chairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, the Chairman of the Energy Regulatory Authority, the Chairman of the Regulatory Authority of the sector of Water Supply and Disposal and Processing of Waste Water, the Chairman of the National Council of Radio and Television, member of the Election Central Commission, the Commissioner for personal data Protection and the Commissioner for protection from discrimination are paid 154.200 ALL / month.
A member of the Civil Service Commission, the Ombudsman Commissioners, the Members of the Board of the Financial Supervision Authority, the Competition Commission members are paid with 141.350 ALL / month, while the Deputy Chairman of the National Council of Radio and Television, the member of the Energy Regulatory Authority, the member of the Regulatory Authority of the sector of Water Supply and Disposal and Processing of Waste Water and members of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority are paid 115.650 ALL / month.
Source: Law Nr.9584 dated 17/07/2006, updated nr.9845 Law dated 17.12.2007
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Contributed by: Ina Baja