Open Data Albania has carried out a research on the gold reserves in Kosovo during the period 2009-2013. If we refer to quantitative terms, for the gold reserves in Kosovo, the amount calculated according to the measurement unit ounce, has declined in the years 2009-2012, respectively from 7,868 to 5,017 ounces.

In 2013, this amount has increased compared to the previous year marking 6,831 ounces. Kosovo Central Bank is the entity responsible for the state reserve of gold.

Source: London Bullion Market, Central Bank of Kosovo, Bank of Albania
Comments and analysis: ODA

The prices of precious metals have declined in the international market marking different values in years. Referring to the equivalent value in euros in 2013, Kosovo marks 59.6 million euros of gold reserves from 60.3 million euros in 2009. In the 2009-2013 time frame gold reserves estimated in euros in Kosovo have increased by 7.96 % in the first three years, to decrease with 8, 45% in the next two years.

Gold reserves in the Republic of Kosovo 2009-2013

Source: London Bullion Market, Central Bank of Kosovo, Bank of Albania
Comments and analysis: ODA

Source: London Bullion Market, Central Bank of Kosovo, Bank of Albania
Comments and analysis: ODA

Gold reserves per capita has fluctuated according to changes in population and in amounts held in reserve. In 2009 Kosovo marks a gold reserve of 34.23 euro per person. This value is reduced to 32.68 euros per person in 2013.

Source: London Bullion Market, Central Bank of Kosovo, Bank of Albania
Comments and analysis: ODA

Gold reserves per capita in the Republic of Albania and Kosovo

Source: London Bullion Market, Central Bank of Kosovo, Bank of Albania
Comments and analysis: ODA

In 2013, the Republic of Kosovo has bigger amounts of gold reserves per capita than the Republic of Albania. In 2013 Kosovo marks a gold reserve per capita of 0.0374 ounce, while Albania 0.0353 ounce.