Commercial banks are those banks that accept cash deposits or other repayable funds from the public and use them to grant credits and issue payment means in the form of electronic money. In 2014 in the Republic of Kosovo, Credit Bank of Pristina, which is a joint stock company with a capital of EUR 2,540,544 was added to the list of banks licensed by CBK.
Commercial Banks operating in the Republic of Kosova
Value in Euro
Source: Central Bank of Kosova
Comments and analyses: ODA
Two major banks in Kosovo are Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo JSC and ProCredit Bank, which have more than 50 branches and 100% foreign capital. Kosovo banking market is characterized by the activity of foreign banks branches and doesn?t display features of a banking market in a consolidated autonomous state.
In 2014, the total banking capital was EUR 253 316 893, where the rate of the foreign capital was 91.34%. The Central Bank is conservative in terms ofgranting licenses toauthentic domestic banks whether with foreign capital. Commercial banks operating in Kosovo arebanks that have mainly authentic licenses for exercising their activity in other Balkan countries.
Number of entities licensed from the Central Bank of Kosova in 2010-2013
Source: Central Bank of Kosova
Comments and analyses: ODA
During 2014, two pension funds, fourteen insurance companies, eighteen microfinance institutions and forty-two financial assistants were licensed by CBK. Pension funds are institutions that deal with management of pension savings in the long term. Insurance companies are institutions that promise to pay to the insured person or company the damage incurred from the risk that they predetermine between them for an also predetermined price. Microfinance institutions are organizations that provide small loans to individuals or family businesses with low income. Financial Assistants are financial and other ancillary activities intermediaries.
An average of 2-3 Kosovo entities are licensed by the Central Bank on annual basis.