Open Data Albania is publishing data on crime according to the officially declared Police proceedings for the period 2015 – 2020. Indicators focusing on the number of victims by type of crime. In 2020, there were 17,829 more victims. This number has decreased over the years and specifically in 2020, when there were 2339 less victims caused by criminal events and acts.
Source: General Directorate of State Police
Edited by: Open Data Albania
According to the type of crime, the victims are divided into: Victims of Intentional Murders (65), victims of attempted murder (120 injured). Another group of criminal offenses is related to Intentional Crimes against Health, with 3052 persons in total, some of whom died, and others were injured. There were 132 Sexual Crimes. Victims of theft and burglary included 3701 and 91 persons, respectively. 12 individuals were injured as a result of armed robberies.
An increasing indicator in terms of the number of victims is Domestic Violence with 1656 victims compared to 1475 a year ago. There was a decrease of the number of victims and injured from the violation of the traffic rules. This was expectable, given that 2020 included whole weeks of suspended and limited traffic.
Data on injured individuals or victims are published according to cases identified and processed directly by the State Police. The year 2020 has marked an improving situation in terms of numbers of crime victims. Domestic violence is the only group of acts where there is deterioration.
Download excel: Victims of Criminal Crimes 2015 – 2020Comments and analysis: Open Data Albania
Translated by: Etleva Kondakçi