Open Data Albania is bringing the statistics, regarding Electricity Price of Acquisition and Sale by the Albanian Electric Power Company s.a., (KESH), for the period January-May 2023, up to date. Open Data has previously published several articles regarding the price of sale and acquisition of electricity from KESH throughout different periods.
Let’s not forget that, during last year, in 2022, due to the energy crisis, KESH s.a. bought electricity in the open market at an average price of about 305.47 Euro/MWh or about 33.81 Euro/MWh more than the average annual price of electricity according to HUPX market. Also, due to the energy crisis and for liquidity purposes, the Government granted KESH a budget support of ALL 20 billion in total for 2022.
Meanwhile, since December 2022, there has been improvement in the water supply situation in the Drin River cascade, thus fulfilling the request of OSHEE (Electricity Distribution Operator) and FTL (Free Market Supplier) for the supply of electricity for local consumption. As a result, even the January-May 2023 period is characterized by an increase in the amount of electricity sold, compared to the previous months.
An overview of the Tender Results for the Acquisition of Electricity, published on the official website of the KESH sh.a company, for the January – May 2023 period, shows thatit has sold about 420,036 MWh of electricity at a pondered average price of about 80.62 Euro /MWh. The highest average price of energy sold is observed in the month of January 2023, at 109 Euro/MWh, which is still about 39.68 Euro/MWh less than the average monthly price according to HUPX.
Source: KESH sh.a
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania
As we delve into the developed tender procedures, we observe that the average pondered price for the sale of electricity is much lower than the price from the HUPX exchange, as shown in the following graph. KESH has not economically taken full advantage of the market situation, despite having the possibility to profit a much higher value from the sale transactions.
Source: KESH sh.a
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania
It emerges that, the main customers of KESH, during the months of January – February 2023 (for the months of March – April there was no sale or purchase of electricity, whereas, for the month of May there are no data published by ERE yet) are the company GSA llc, which purchased from KESH a total of 60,017 MWh at an average price of 147.23 Euro/MWh, followed by EFT AG llc, which bought about 47,290 MWh at an average price of about 100.5 Euro/MWh.
Source: ERE
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania
Source: ERE
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania
At the same time, in April 2023, KESH opened a long-term energy trading procedure, by way of which it invited companies operating in the energy market to offer an certain amount of energy based on two separate lots. In the first lot, the requested quantity was 100 MWh for the delivery period June 1, 2023- May 31, 2026 (3-year contract). While in the second lot, the requested amount was 100 MWh for the delivery period June 1, 2023- May 31, 2028 (5-year contract). However, the process was closed without a winner.
The graph below shows the performance of average monthly prices on the Hungarian Stock Exchange HUPX, which is taken as a reference for the transactions of companies operating in the energy market in Albania. The highest prices were observed in the months of July, August, September 2022 with respective prices of 371.10 Euro/MWh, 495.29 Euro/MWh, 391.35 Euro/MWh.
Meanwhile, since January 2023, prices on the stock exchange have dropped significantly, from 148.69 Euro/MWh to 88.19 Euro/MWh in May 2023, or about 57% lower than May 2022.
Source: KESH sh.a
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania
The data examined in this article were obtained from the Albanian Electricity Corporation and the official website of the Hungarian Stock Exchange HUPX. The Hungarian HUPX stock exchange serves as a reference stock exchange for the Balkan region.
Other articles related to the Energy Sector, the sale and acquisition of energy or guarantees in the field of electricity can be found at Open Data Albania, Energy section.
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Translated by: Rezarta Cushaj