During the 2011 electoral campaign, SMI has spent 18,523,014 Leks. Total collected funds amount to 17,881,988 Leks, and the balance sheet for the 2011 electoral campaign records an excess of expenses equal to 641,026 Leks or 3.46% of the total expenses.
Electoral Funds and Expenses, 2011 Electoral Campaign.
Source: The Report of the SMI?s Independent Auditor. The balance sheet of the Collected and Spent Funds in the Local Government Election Campaign, 8 April – 8 May 2011.
Comments and Analysis: ODA
The structure of funds collected by the Party for the electoral campaign is fairly dynamic. Thus, the SMI has collected for its electoral campaign a total amount of 17,881,988 Leks. Out of the total, the subject’s revenues from Public Funding in conformity with Article 87 of the Electoral Code amount to 2,763,848 Leks. In addition, the SMI has collected 4,109,400 Leks through private donations. The total worth of the donations from physical persons and legal entities amounts to 4,109,400 Leks. The party has not drawn on its own funds for covering the campaign expenses. An interesting fact recorded in the SMI?s electoral campaign balance sheet is that this party has benefited, on the basis of Article 84, point 6, of the Electoral Code, free airtime by private radio/televisions for political advertising, which is calculated as a deductible expense for taxation purposes. This particular accounting item has been recorded separately by the SMI auditor.
SMI – Electoral Funds and Expenditures, 2011 Electoral Campaign.
Source: The Report of the SMI?s Independent Auditor. The balance
sheet of the Collected and Spent Funds in the Local Government Election
Campaign, 8 April – 8 May 2011.
Comments and Analysis: ODA
Source: The Report of the SMI?s Independent Auditor. The balance
sheet of the Collected and Spent Funds in the Local Government Election
Campaign, 8 April – 8 May 2011.
Comments and Analysis: ODA
Socialist Movement for Integration has collected 3,856,000 Leks, or 84% of its donations from donors with contributions higher than 100,000 Leks, declaring the donors? list in conformity with Article 90 of the Electoral Code. The rest of contributions, or 6% of them, consist of donations that are less than 100,000 Leks.
Structure of SMI Donations, 2011 Electoral Campaign
Source: The Report of the SMI?s Independent Auditor. The balance
sheet of the Collected and Spent Funds in the Local Government Election
Campaign, 8 April – 8 May 2011.
Comments and Analysis: ODA
The list of SMI donors includes 10 subjects in total, nine individuals and one foundation.
Source: The Report of the SMI?s Independent Auditor. The balance
sheet of the Collected and Spent Funds in the Local Government Election
Campaign, 8 April – 8 May 2011.
Comments and Analysis: ODA
List of SMI donors ? 2011 Electoral Campaign
Source: The Report of the SMI?s Independent Auditor. The balance
sheet of the Collected and Spent Funds in the Local Government Election
Campaign, 8 April – 8 May 2011.
Comments and Analysis: ODA