Parliamentary parties are considered the ones that, in the previous general elections, have won and hold at least one MP seat in the Assembly. In the 2011 Local Government Elections, parliamentary parties are DP, SP, SMI, PJIU, HRUP, and ARP. The weight carried by these political parties in terms of electoral funds is considerable, for they hold 98% of the total funds.
Source: Auditor?s Reports, Political Parties, 2011 Electoral Campaign.
Elaboration and Analysis: ODA
Parliamentary parties have officially declared they collected 332,849,888 (three hundred thirty-two million eight hundred forty-nine thousand eight hundred eighty-eight) Leks in total as funds for the electoral campaign. This considerable amount consists of various types of funds; we may distinguish four main categories on the basis of the funds? source:
2011 total electoral funds, sorted out in 4 main categories, parliamentary parties
Source: Auditor?s Reports, Political Parties, 2011 Electoral Campaign.
Elaboration and Analysis: ODA
According to the subjects? own reports, in the 2011 electoral campaign, the parliamentary parties have benefited from the state budget a total amount of 72,679,609 Leks. This makes up 21,51 % of the total campaign funds. The public funds? allocation rules are set forth in Article 87 of the Electoral Code.
The subjects? revenues from physical persons and legal entities, or the donations, as envisaged by Article 89 of the Electoral Code, are a highly important item of the political parties? financial sheets. As shown by the graphic presentation, they make up 19.4% of the total funds, amounting to 65,850,765 (sixty-five million eight hundred fifty thousand seven hundred sixty-five) Leks.
However, the main financing source, covering most of the campaign expenses, consists in the subjects? own funds. They make up 54.25% of the total funds, amounting to 183,310,774 (one hundred eighty-three million three hundred ten thousand seven hundred seventy-four) Leks.
Source: Auditor?s Reports, Political Parties, 2011 Electoral Campaign.
Elaboration and Analysis: ODA
Source: Auditor?s Reports, Political Parties, 2011 Electoral Campaign.
Elaboration and Analysis: ODA
Source: Auditor?s Reports, Political Parties, 2011 Electoral Campaign.
Elaboration and Analysis: ODA
The last category of funds, which is seen in one electoral subject only, consists in the specific case in which the cost for making the free airtime available to the electoral subjects by private radio/televisions is calculated as a deductible expense for taxation purposes (Article 84, point 6 of the Electoral Code). In the 2011 elections, the revenues on the basis of this legal provision amount to 3% of the total campaign funds, and they belong to the Socialist Movement for Integration.
Contributed by: R.E