Open Data Albania has conducted a research related to economic enterprises operating in the Republic of Albania by the economic activity they pursue. Enterprise as an economic term includes any entity that carries out an economic activity, whether goods or services. Manufacturing enterprises are classified in “Agriculture, forestry, fishing”, “Industry” and “Construction”, while enterprises providing services are classified in “Trading”, “Accommodation and social service”, Transport and Communication “and” Other Services “.

In 2013 the Republic of Albania recorded a total of 111,083 active companies of which 94,241 (85%) in the services sector and 16,842 (15%) in the manufacturing sector. During this year were registered for the first time at the National Registration Centre 12,131 enterprises. Of these, 10,427 (86%) were in the service sector and 1,704 (14%) in the manufacturing sector. The categories with the largest number of active enterprises are “Industry” for providers of goods and “Trade” for service providers.

Source: Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
Comments and analysis: ODA

Source: Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
Comments and analysis: ODA

In the 2005-2013 time frame the number of active enterprises, whether manufacturer of goods or service provider, has been increasing. The only exception is year 2012, during which the number of active enterprises decreased, compared to the previous year.

Enterprise Manufacturing Sector 2005-2013

Source: Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
Comments and analysis: ODA

Enterprise Services Sector 2005-2013

Source: Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
Comments and analysis: ODA

Female participation in running economic enterprises is a phenomenon that has experienced significant growth year after year. If in 2005 there were 13,772 females in the leadership of economic entities, in 2013 this number has a value of 30,827 female leaders.

Ratio of active enterprises with  female owner / administrator by economic activity 2005-2013 (in %)

Source: Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)
Comments and analysis: ODA

In 2013 there were 28,158 women leading companies offering services, from 94.241 active enterprises offering services in total. So the participation of women in this sector constitutes 30% of the total. In the manufacturing sector this ratio is 16% female and 84% male leaders.