Open Data Albania is looking into the share of official Economic Entities resident in the territory of the Municipality of Tirana, against the total number of Economic Entities in the country.

The data was collected from the Statistical Register of Enterprises, INSTAT as well as official data published by the Municipality of Tirana. The Statistical Register of Enterprises (RSN) is published annually in June and contains detailed information on legal economic units, which are equipped with a NIPT identification number, and exercise their economic activity within the territory of Albania. Statistics include all economic units regardless of the number of employees or form of organization.

The time frame under examination is the 2010-2020 period, during which – based on the statistics, – the number of enterprises in the country has increased. At the end of 2020, there are 166,386 active enterprises and an addition of 4,044 enterprises from the previous year. In 2012 and 2019 there were contractions in the number of enterprises or economic entities.

Source: INSTAT
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

The annual average of new enterprises registered and remaining active until the end of the year is 21,809 enterprises. After 2015, the number of new enterprises registered displays a downward trend. That year the number of active new enterprises registered during the year peaked, with 56 787 new enterprises entering the marker. The increase recorded in 2015 is related to the fact that the same year farmers began to be equipped with NIPT, thus, to register as economic entities. In 2020, the number of new enterprises is 17 319, approximately the same as in 2019, which counted 17 508 new enterprises.

Whereas, regarding Economic Entities leaving the market, it shows no upward or downward trend until 2015. While, after 2016, the number of entities leaving the market is in decline.

The year 2019 marks 18 001 enterprises that have left the market, while in 2020, when this number is expected to increase due to the crisis from the COVID-19 Pandemic, the opposite happened, with only 13 275 enterprises leaving the market. The expected large exits from the market did not occur, as the Albanian economy showed considerable resilience. The latter due to the Social Protection Package undertaken at the time by the Albanian Government.

Source: INSTAT
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

The Municipality of Tirana continues to remain at the top of the list in terms of the number of enterprises. Statistics from 2010 show an upwards trend in the number of enterprises based in Tirana until 2015, but after, the trend is not clearly visible. The number of enterprises in the Municipality of Tirana for 2020 was 46,926, marking an increase of 1.06% from 2019, or an additional 491 enterprises.

The share of enterprises resident in the Municipality of Tirana, as compared to the overall number of enterprises in the country, until 2015, was over 34%, marking the highest percentage in 2014 with 39.67%. While after 2015, since farmers began to be recognized as enterprises, the share of the Municipality of Tirana in the country has fallen to about 28% in national level from 2016 to 2020. This happens because the highest number of farmers are located mainly in the Municipalities of Lushnja, Divjaka and Fier.

Source: Open Data Tirana
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

Meanwhile, enterprises with a complex operational structure and high number of employees are largely located in Tirana. More specifically, fifty percent of enterprises with over 50 employees are located in the territory of the Municipality of Tirana.

Table: Municipality of Tirana Economic Entities based on the employment numbers
Source: Open Data Tirana
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

The share of the Municipality of Tirana in the number of enterprises in the country is relatively high, compared to other municipalities, followed not very closely by the Municipality of Durrës, holding an average of 6.01% of the country’s enterprises; Municipality of Shkodra with 4.4%; The Municipality of Fier and the Municipality of Lushnja with an average of 4.6%.

Table: Municipalities with the highest share of enterprises in the country 2016-2020
Source: INSTAT
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

Table: Municipalities with the lowest share of enterprises in the country 2016-2020
Source: INSTAT
Comments and Analyses: Open Data Albania

On the other hand, the Municipalities of Puka, Klos, Libohova, Fushë-Arrëz and Pustec host the lowest number of enterprises in national level.

Download excel:Number of Economic Entities in the country and what share is based in the Municipality of Tirana
Comments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Translated by: Rezarta Cushaj
Contributed by: Pajtim Nikolli