Open Data Albania is researching on economic entities, business companies administered by women and contracted by local government units for significant monetary values. This research was conducted as part of the activities of the ” Monitoring of Municipal Clients in Public Contracts” project supported by Leviz Albania. The analysis includes 1000 companies contracted by the municipalities for the highest-values for the period 2015 to (July-December) 2021.
The main purpose of this research was to identify the subjects administered by women and their weight or share in the process of municipalities allocating public money through contracts. Through public procurement, municipalities select economic entities to provide works, supplies and public services paid by taxpayers’ money.
The statistical sample for the analysis includes the 1000 largest-value contractors for 2015 – 2021. Among them, only 136 are administered by women. Also, there are 24 companies out of the 1000-companies sample, which have more than one Administrator, including both men and women. The remaining 838 out of 1000 largest-value contractors are administered by men. Similar to women-owned companies, the companies administered by women also seem to be less successful in a difficult sector like the contracting one.
Below is the list of Companies, which are administered by women, and which are part of the list of the 1000 largest-value municipality contractors for 2015 – 2021. For each of these companies, you may find information and data about their capital ownership structure, as well as their management, performance, legal matters, payments from the Treasury, other contracts and cooperation in the Open Corporates Albania database.
Among the companies administered by Women Administrators, and which are among the 1000 largest-value contractors, the first ranked is TIMAK admiistered by Arjeta Puca. The second ranked company is Hest administered by Ledina Beshaj, followed by A.M.E 2020 (former Kajmaku) administered by Trendafile Mastafaraj and Olta Sharra, both natural persons.
For each of the listed companies, the Open Corporates Albania Portal, its Municipality Contractors section provides you with a passport, containing information on the company, its activity, date of establishment, owners, managers, economic performance over the years, legal matters, as well as a list for Treasury Payments, and contracts won through tender procedures. The Passports were created as part of the activities of the “Civic Monitoring and Transparency on Municipal Private Contractors for Services and Public Investments” Project, financially supported by Lëviz Albania, a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
The databases where you can find open and transparent data for the distribution of contracts and public money include Open Procurement Albania, containing data for tenders of important Institutions in the country. Spending Data Albania treasury payments, including any payment made by budgetary institutions to third parties, and Open Corporates Albania containing open data for contractors and businesses of importance to the Public Interest.
AIS has been monitoring contracts and contractors of local government units since 2015, when the new administrative and territorial reform and division started to be implemented. For purposes of this analysis, business or economic entities include entities registered as natural persons or as business companies. Women-owned companies and entities include those, where a woman owns more than 50% of the company’s capital in shares or quota. Contracts with Municipalities or Local Government Units include contracts signed through public procurement with Municipalities, their subordinate institutions and companies or enterprises, where the local government has shares and quotas.
Download excel: 1000 largest-value Business Companies Contracted by Municipalities from the Gender Perspective of their AdministrationComments and Analysis: Open Data Albania
Translated by: Etleva Kondakçi